Showered With Emotions

20 1 7

Ideally, 1 and 2.. but considering how weak I am, it would be 6.
Warning: Panic attacks, wounds, fighting, description of wounds, murder, attempted murder.

Pov: 3rd
Peter climbs in his window and slides to the floor. He takes off his suit and walks towards the bathroom. He closes the door and starts the shower. Slipping off his boxers, he walks into the shower and turns the water to cold. He sits down on the cold shower floor and cries.
"I just want Wade to tell me that everything will be ok." Blood washes off of his bullet wounds, the bullets still deep in his legs. Someone knew his identity.. someone knew and they tried to kill him! They almost did! He was shot at least five times, and stabbed at least seven times. There was blood all over his arms and legs. His white boxers were dyed red with dry blood. The water hurts, but Peter doesn't care. He killed someone, he killed someone. Yeah, they tried to kill him.. but he killed them. Yeah they hurt him, but he killed them. The worst thing is the fact that someone else knows too.. they know his identity, they know that he killed somebody. THEY KNOW. The water is freezing, Peter is freezing.. but he doesn't care. He's scared. Scared of himself, scared of what will happen to him and his friends. He's angry. Angry at himself, angry that someone knows what happened. He's upset. Upset that he let this happen, upset that someone knows his identity.
"Wade.. where are you, Wade..?" Peter mutters in a small voice. There's blood gushing from his legs, he can't stop it. The bathtub that used to white is now a bright red. Red.. red is everywhere.. red..

POV: Wade Wilson
Peter was supposed to meet me at my apartment hours ago, but he's not here so I'm going to the avengers tower to find him! His window is open? It's freezing outside.. is he in there? I slide in and hear the shower running. It's freezing in here so I shut the window.
"Peter?" His suit is crumpled on the ground. It smells like metal in here. He doesn't reply. Maybe he can't hear me..? He has super hearing though. I walk over to the bathroom door and press my ear to it. I hear soft crying.
"Peter?" He still doesn't answer, so I knock on the door. I hear movement, but Peter doesn't answer. I open the door slowly. I'm hit with cold air. It's freezing in here!
"Peter?" This time I hear Peter answer with a mumble. I walk over to curtain, I don't want to invade his privacy but it's freezing in here and I don't know if he's ok. "Can I open the curtain, Pete?"
"S..ure." Peter slowly says, crying. I open the curtain slowly and turn off the water. Peters sitting on the ground, shaking. There's blood all over him.
"Someone.. knows my identity." He mumbles.
"Can you stand?" I ask, grabbing a towel. He tries, but falls into the wall. I grab his arm gently and wrap the towel around his waist. He whines as the towel touches his bleeding legs. He falls over into my chest. I sit him down on the toilet seat and grab him some clothes.
"Can.. can you dress yourself.. I need to get you to the Medbay."
"I don't think I can." Peter says. I grab his shirt and gently slide it over his head and chest. Now I just have to get his boxers and shorts on..
"Can you lean onto me?" I ask. He stands up and leans into my arms so I can slide his clothes on. I slide one foot into his boxers and then slide the other one in. After getting his shorts on, I carry him to his bed. He sits down.
"Ok.. I'm gonna call Bruce. Friday? Can you tell Bruce we need help?"
"Ok, Deadpool. Bruce is on his way with Tony."
Ugh, of course Tiny Stank is coming. I take my mask off, handing it to Peter.
"This is gonna hurt." I say, gently wiping blood off his leg. He winces, squeezing my mask in his hand. For some reason the voices are completely silent. <I'm still here.>

Pov: Tony Stark
Bruce and I are chilling in the lab when Friday alerts us.
"Deadpool asked me to call Bruce to Peters room, it's a emergency."
"DEADPOOL!" I screech, following Bruce out of the lab. "WHY IS HE HERE?!" We run down to Peter's room and open the door. Peter's sitting on his bed, Deadpool's wiping blood off his leg.
"What did you do to him!?" I screech. Deadpool looks up, his mask is off.
"Nothing." Peter nods, holding onto Deadpool's mask. Bruce runs over, looking at the wounds on Peters' legs.
"Let's get you to the med bay."
Deadpool slides his mask back on and picks* up Peter. I glare at him before walking out the door. Deadpool sprints to the med bay, almost knocking over Dum E on his way.


*2, on the image*

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