The SOS Project

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I just came up with this idea on the bus lol. Random bus ideas are the best. Shower thoughts? Bus ideas!
POV: 3rd person
Peter ran into his private lab the second he got the idea. He grabbed paper and brainstormed how it would work. Should it have a camera? Should it be able to make a web? Should it be able to grow bigger and shrink? What should he call it? What color should it be? How many should he make? So many questions! He works all day, adding bits and pieces to the small arachnid.
Hours later......
"I'm calling it the SOS project!" He yells out to himself, holding the small spider out in front of him. He makes fifth-teen. Sliding them into a basket, he runs down to the meeting room. He calls everyone, telling them to come see what he made.
"What's going on?" Tony asks, looking at Peter.
"Look!" He says, holding up the basket.
"Spiders?" Clint says, looking into the basket.
"The SOS Project! It stands for Sensory Overload Spider!" Peter says. He puts on his mask, his suit already on.
"Karen, Send Out Spider." He says, doing the Spider-Man hand gesture. A small spider jumps out of his suit, and lands on the ground.
"It's a spider that helps with sensory overloads! It can hold up to twenty times it's weight and can grow up to forty times it's normal size. It has a camera so it can sense sensory overloads, and it can dim the lights, play music, block out other sounds or just act as a pet, it has a hologram so it can take calls for you and you can see the person live. It can turn into a necklace or bracelet. This one's name is Plankton."  The spider jumps up onto his arm, making a small whimper like sound.
"Cool! Show us how it works." Bruce says. Peter presses a button on the basket making all 15 spiders jump out and sit on the floor. "Plankton, dim the lights and play my playlist."
The spider beeps, dimming the lights and playing music. "Plankton, turn off the music and turn the lights up. Arachnid, call Midnight."
Midnight's hologram shows up, standing in the middle of the room.
"Hey, Peter! So the spider's work?"
"Yeah, they work great! I have a whole army."
"That's great! Creepy, but great. Anyway, I have superhero things to do so, adios!"
"Bye, Midnight. Love you! Arachnid, hang up."
"That's really cool, Underoos'." Tony says, picking up a spider.
"That's one's name is Martin."

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