Becoming a Knight and a Mission

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It has been around 5 years since Kane has been in the order but he is still a Padawan learner he has been meaning to ask Master Windu when he can take the trials from a while now but he didn't want to seem impatient to his master so he has kept quiet for now.

Currently Kane is sitting in his room meditating and whilst in meditation his lightsaber is floating assembling and disassembling and the doubled bladed lightsaber is floating around him this is when Kane should be asleep but he can't sleep and he uses the force to replenish his energy so he never has to sleep again, now usually he would be improving his fighting style with making his combat more fluid with going from combat form to form as quickly and naturally as possible and then adding in powers of the force which there would be droids supplied but currently there are not any as he has destroyed them all yesterday.

Kane had meditated the whole night and eventually his master opened the door to see the boy in meditation and the master cleared his throat and the boy turned to his master "yes master?"

"Its time for training, but first we need to go before the council" said Master Windu one of the only people Kane respected and someone he sees as family 

As they were walking from one side of the temple to the other Kane had to ask "master is my application to take on the elimination and discovering the dark side missions accepted?"

Windu sighed "I don't know the council doesn't speak much on that but I believe you will be doing the dirty work of the order, and Kane are you sure you want to do that?, I mean thats basically turning yourself into a killer on orders basically a solider"

Kane nodded "yes master and we are servants of the force in the order so technically I'm a solider as they are just servants who can fight on orders only plus I'm one of the only people who can switch emotions on and off when they want so doing elimination missions and searching for the dark side would be easy for me to do because of this ability"

"fine but around me I like to see the little emotion you have, I think I'm starting to see you as a son or something now damn got attached but at least I can be attached without it causing a problem because I know even if your in trouble your fine" said Windu 

"I feel I see you as family but I'm not sure where though as I have never had a family but I hope its a father or uncle sort of bond master and your the one who trained me so you don't have to worry as your training is the best possible in my opinion of observing others" Kane said 

"flattery will get you nowhere and by the way we're here" Windu just smirked at Kane and both entered the council chambers and stood in front of everyone 

Yoda spoke first "young Shan, and yes even if you insist on being called Kane in these chambers we must address you by your last name" this earned an eye roll "anyway sense you need to say something I do"

"oh well all I was going to ask to Master Windu was when am I going to take the trails because its around this age people usually take them and I feel I'm ready as I'm finding it hard to learn more but no offense to Master Windu I feel its me who only learns too quickly others I feel would struggle with his training" answered Kane and asked his long awaited question 

Plo Koon spoke "I don't think he needs to take the trials, after his displays and breaking of records in the orders training he far exceeds most Jedi knights and I would say he is close to the level of knights who are close to the level of master"

Most agreed who Plo Koon and then Yoda spoke himself "agree I do, train young Shan I have but only occasion when Master Windu was away and too powerful for mere Padawan he is strong Jedi knight he is"

another council member spoke "we also didn't give you the braid of a Padawan because we felt you would advance too quickly to Jedi knight but after 3 years we were confused that you didn't take the trials but we agreed that when you wished to take them then you would take the rank Jedi knight officially as you have done some missions solo already which is against the code for padawans but you weren't officially one"

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