70. "You didn't have to kill a comrade."

48 2 0

Walter's mouth was completely dry. But it was not because of the work. In the past few days he had helped to take care of the ordinary citizens and equip them with weapons. The weapons, however, were not army weapons. They were scythes, rakes, spades, knives or even just heavy branches. Completely useless tools in the fight for survival against a Titan. But the citizens seemed to believe the soldiers of the Military Police. Armed like this, they were also calmer. When Walter walked through the camp in the evening, he even heard some citizens making plans after the reconquest. They wanted to rebuild their destroyed villages. They wanted to plant vegetables and with the profit from selling the vegetables they wanted to buy cattle from other farmers behind the Wall Rose.

All Walter had to do was reach for his water bottle beside him, but he couldn't move. The conversation he was witnessing was too exciting. The conversation he was not allowed to talk about. Never. "Not a word to anyone," Peter had said to him. The past two days had been so hectic that the former Commander had only now managed to gather his comrades around him.

"That's Ron's girlfriend," Louis replied in amazement. Konrad had informed Peter about the two survivors.

"Nonsense," Ron said, leaning his head against the wooden wall. The six soldiers were hiding in one of the horse boxes.

"You know her?," Peter asked seriously.

"I've only brought this girl home twice. Because she needs crutches. I didn't even know her name," Ron began quietly. "And, it's like Konrad said. They're living in Utgard Castle at the moment. But this Zeke, I've never seen him. She didn't want that. And he's supposed to be working on one of the farms."

"So Sam still took them there," Tim said, glancing at the stable door. He stood at the door to the horse box, keeping an eye on the corridors with Jimmy.

"Sam was found dead about two kilometres from town. They said his heart had stopped. And with the way he was living, no one had been surprised," Peter told his comrades.

"Then they took his body there. The girl was in town at least twice," Ron said.

Walter got goose bumps when he heard Peter's following words. "Since there were no external wounds ... heart failure can also happen if you get very scared. For example, when you see a human turning into a Titan."

"You mean he witnessed a transformation? Then there are at least six," Ron spoke.

"Six people who can turn into Titans?," asked Louis.

"Probably there are more. What?", Peter wanted to know from Ron. The former Commander had noticed his shocked expression.

"You said you noticed three names on the lists. Two male names and one female," Ron remembered.

Peter nodded.

"She met a little girl in church. Smaller than Chagara. Blonde. And puny." Ron shook his head. "I can't imagine such a petite creature being a Titan."

"Blonde?," Peter inquired. "Then I guess we've met her," he added bitterly.

"No," Ron looked at him, stunned. Could such a petite creature be partly responsible for the death of his best friend?

"Yes. It will be Annie Leonhart. Annie Leonhart and the two unknowns named Reiner Braun and Berthold Fubar are connected to Zeke and Pieck. Possibly there are two parties. Because we never witnessed any contact with Ymir." Peter tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

"So Reiner Braun and Berthold Fubar are the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan? And we're all going to walk out now and leave everything to them here?" Jimmy looked at his older comrades in horror.

Chagara - Chaos in the Darkness (Levi x OC Fanfic / AttackOnTitan)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu