9.0 propositus

127 3 22

meaning in latin: proposed

    Over the week, Edmund slowly started to recover, many tears shed, sleep was caught up, and Susan started to plan on a ball after Edmund recovered for the return of the mission and search party. Nauvera was very relieved when she saw Derek come back home healthy and both Castellanos parents were also relieved.

    Danialla did tell her mother that she never wanted to be an actual soldier, but would fight in wars if she had too. Making her mother very relieved. Cenvin told Danialla she could have a week off of work to recover from the long mission and to get stronger. It was the first time Cenvin was actually nice, so she agreed happily. The funeral for Tracae was hard, very hard.

    She had to keep busy to not drive herself crazy, so most days she was at Cair Paravel; sewing, spending time with the last three selected, the Pevensies, and bothering Edmund insane. She loved doing those things. She knew that Peter was in love with Meriel. She just knew that she'd be the High King's wife on the throne. Corinra went home while she was gone, saying that she didn't think she was in love with Peter ever, it was just a crush.

    Danialla walked down to the Hospital Wing (Edmund was still staying there). She was sent to give food to Edmund and the nurses that were taking care of him. When she wasn't working, her mother just asked her to help out for a second. Since Danialla had nothing else to do, she agreed and helped her mum.

    When she knocked on the door of the Wing, one of the nurses told her to come in. The young sixteen year old girl slowly turned the handle and walked in carefully. The Wing wasn't very big, maybe the size of two guest bedrooms. It had five beds and the rest was nurse/doctor equipment.

    The nurse that was beside a cabinet smiled at the girl, "Danialla," she put down her cup, "What is the special event that you are here?" Danialla smiled and put down her tray.

    "I brought dinner for the Just King and you nurses that are working," she replied, looking around for the young king, though she didn't find him.

    "Where is the king?" the girl asked. The nurse smiled at the girl.

    "He was finally moved to his room, around three was when he moved back."

    Danialla smiled and looked down at the tray, "Well, before I'm late to the grumpy king, I'll leave a plate for you. Any other workers in this Wing today?"

    The nurse shook her head, but did give the girl a cup, "He'll need to drink this before he eats. I was about to go up to him," Danialla rests the cup on the tray, "Thank you, dear."

    Danialla nodded and placed a plate and glass on a table for the nurse.


    When she knocked on the King's door, he grumbled "come in". This made Danialla smirk, he's so miserable. Although, she was happy he was getting better. She entered the room and saw Edmund on the bed, placing a book down next to him.

    She sat the tray down on his side table and took off the things the king won't eat or use. She handed him the tray and sat down a bit farther from the middle of the king sized bed (where Edmund is laying).

    "Thanks," he spoke.

    "Your speech is getting fluent again, but not much nicer," she muttered enough for him to hear. He just shrugged his shoulders and saw the cup that the nurse gave to Danialla, taking it, he gulped it all down while holding his nose.

    Danialla laughed at the boy's approach to the drink. He glared at her hard and threw the glass at her (which was a plastic kind from Ettinsmoor).

    "HEY!" she yelled and threw it back at him. The Just King just glared at her and took his bread, putting butter on it while Danialla picked up his book.

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