17.0 metania

79 2 34

meaning: (n.) the journey of changing
one's mind, heart, self, or way of life

    Autumn entered the land of Narnia and the lands that surrounded it. Narnia's autumn was beautiful. The trees and nymphs changed to the perfect colour for the season, festivals were held everywhere, and Narnians held bonfires every night. Playing music and the fauns dancing around the fire. The centaurs could predict the stars more easily, as there weren't as many. Snow ensembled the ground every now and then, making the children glee. The kings and queens of different countries had settled down in their country. Autumn was a magical season in the land. Narnians were busy, getting food and supplies for the upcoming season.

    Susan had finally reached home, reclaiming that she wasn't ready to be wed. She shared with Danialla and meriel that she almost got an alliance with Carolmen by marrying Prince Rabadash, although she had realized that the prince was not who he seemed like. He acted like a gentle and well-mannered man, but he was described by Susan to be cruel, and evil, and enjoyed tormenting others. The boys and Lucy didn't know what Rabadash had done to Susan, meriel and Danialla were sworn to secrecy to never mention anything to anyone about what the cruel Telmar prince had done.

    Danialla hadn't been spending much time with the Pevensies, due to her busy schedule. She had become the Second-in-Head seamstress of Cair Paravel and had been taking care of Koa when she wasn't working. Unfortunately, Danialla didn't have much time to go to the gatherings at night with the other Narnians. It had worried her friends and even the Just King.

    Danialla had been working extra hours to get Koa a special birthday present. Since it would've been Koa's first year without nauvera or her mother, she wanted to make it special for the boy. The gift cost a lot of money, but it would hold significance to the boy as he grew older.

    Danialla was working one day in the garden of Cair Paravel to get out of the husky room and to get fresh air and new scenery. The early fall weather caused the girl to shiver when a breeze of cold air passed through. Although, she didn't mind. The flowers were starting to die and the trees were releasing their leaves for their season. She had realised that sowing without any distractions made her calmer. At the point where she was in life (raising her nephew at eighteen on herself), she needed it.

    Edmund was walking through the balcony of the castle, wanting to get away from his siblings' annoying disagreements. In the end, he always had to choose a side, so he eventually just stopped participating in the Pevensie family arguments. He was passing the corridor of the garden and saw a figure on a bench with a maroon-coloured skirt and black blouse. It took him a moment to realize that the figure was Danialla. He hadn't seen the girl in almost a month from her lack of presence to them. She had visited a few days after she arrived home from staying with the fairies and Beavers for a while. He focused his eyes on the girl, who seemed to be sowing peacefully. He decided to start a conversation with her since she was the only one in the castle who would possibly be willing.

    He started his way to the garden, avoiding the guards looking at the king oddly, as he had already been to the garden earlier that morning. His leg shot pain a little. He still had a limp from going up North when Tracae died. He entered the place where he always went to think, he scavenged his eyes around the place until he saw the girl. It took the girl a moment to realize that there was someone in her presence. When she recognised the face as Edmund Pevensie, she smirked.

    "Hello, Horris."

    Edmund chuckled, "Danialla." the girl cringed at her full name.

    "It's Bridge to you, King Edmund."





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