20.0 lux

78 1 28

means: light

    Over the course of the week, Danialla quickly started to miss her home and Koa (as he was staying with his grandparents). Edmund was so engaged with his royal duties and 'dates' with the other fourteen that she spent her days in the library or the sewing room, working on the dresses with the seamstresses. She knew that Edmund wouldn't even request having a date with her, so she decided to make the best of it.

    Edmund, though, was already done with the Selection. He didn't realise that his royal duties would still happen while the Selection was running. Many of the girls were begging for dates and spending time alone with him. The only one that didn't request time with him was Danialla. He couldn't blame her; after being pulled into something that she didn't even ask to get, he wouldn't either.

    "Your Highness, Lady Meredith would like to see you," one of the guards announced when he entered the armoury room.

    Edmund was sharpening his sword and let out a long sigh. He looked at him, "Tell her that I am busy with some royal business and I don't have time."

    "Sire, that's lying!"

    "Then I'll go find some royal business to attend to," Edmund retorted. "I'm not interested right now."

    The guard nodded, "Of course, Sire."

    "Thank you."

    Edmund sighed as he put his sword in the seash and wrapped it around his waist. He looked to the window and saw small snowflakes falling. He hated it, the snow reminded him of the White Witch. A reminder of his biggest regret; the regret that causes him to still have nightmares.

    As he was walking down the hallway, he smelled bread baking as he was passing the kitchen. He grinned before entering the kitchen and saw someone with long, wavy brown hair with a simple dress and apron. She was humming quietly to herself and didn't know someone was behind her.

    Edmund quickly recgonised the hair, he grinned as he crept over to the yeast and got a pinch of it. His smirk was plastered on his face. "Smells horrible in here, Ma'am."

    The figure quickly turned around and Edmund quickly flicked the yeast powder at her. He started laughing as soon as he saw it landed all over the girl's face. Danialla had a disappointed look on her face. "Edmund Horris!" she wailed.

    Edmund grinned, "Yes, dear Bridge?"

    The girl smirked, "I see that you were able to run away from the girls."

    Edmund growled, "Honestly, can I just pick one of you and just end it? Those girls are so annoying!"

    Danialla nodded, "I've only hung out with them a few times and I'm bored. Always wanting to talk gossip while sipping tea."

    "Seems like you're perfect group," Edmund smirked. Danialla huffed. "They talk about how 'handsome' you are. Very annoying, for your information."

    Edmund grinned, "At least I know they find me attractive."

    "Definitely, Ed. They're excessively not in for the crown, at least most of them aren't!" Danialla's sarcasm ran off her tongue so naturally.

    Edmund snorted with amusement. He knew that many of the girls were in for the crown, while others were desperate for love. He saw it with Peter's Selection, how they wanted the crown or just to be loved. meriel was the exception. He smiled as she took out the bread from the oven. It was fluffy and soft. "It smells amazing."

    Danialla smiled, "I guess that's what happens when your mother was the head cook in a castle."

    She cut a small piece of bread and spread dandelion jam on it and some peanut butter. She handed it to him, knowing that Edmund loved his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He gladly took it and took a bite. Danialla cut herself a piece but only put the jam on it.

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