18.0 azzurro

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^^ picture of koa above (:
                    Means in Italian; blue

    Autumn had arrived just as quickly as it left. The first few snowflakes started to fall shortly after Edmund's eighteenth birthday. Although Susan wished to have a ball for the young boy, all he requested was to spend some time with his siblings, meriel, Danialla, and Koa. Danialla was shocked when she heard the news that Edmund wanted her to spend some time with him and his family. It was new to her for him to be so nice.

    The birthday was calm and surprisingly nice, except that Susan still insisted before the night ended at least five times that he should've had a ball for his eighteenth birthday. Edmund loved his sister truly, but sometimes she was too much for the boy.

    And as for Danialla, she had found a decent schedule for work and Koa while giving herself some time to relax. She was very grateful that Al was so nice to help out with his godson. Her best friend seemed off at the moment, but in a good way. He was more smiley and would consistently tell Danialla that he couldn't go to dinner because of things that he had to do. Danialla seemed to think that the faun had finally found a girl that he fancied.

    Now, as winter started to emerge, so did Christmas time, children playing in the snow, cutting firewood was an essential, and having to stay home seemed to increase with families. Danialla spent her free time making Christmas gifts for Koa, Al, and the Pevensies. Al was kind enough to cut enough firewood each week for the Castillanos family. Although it seemed to be a joyful time, older Narnians had never enjoyed winter after the occurrence of the White Witch. Some still feared that there were followers of Jadis and were planning on an attack eventually to overthrow Narnia once more, but others claimed that all had died or changed.

    As for the Pevensies, Susan and meriel were busy with events every few days (such as balls, planning the Selection, and parties). meriel surprisingly was able to stay active, as she seemed to grow bigger every step she took. Edmund was busy finalising the taxes of the orphanages around Archenland, Ettinsmore, and Narnia area. Peter was doing many paper works for education, and Lucy was busy going around Narnia everyday to help with the festivals and celebrations that different Narnians had made together.

    It was close to ten o'clock at night before Danialla started knitting the maroon scarf for Al after her shift. Koa was staying the night with Al and his family, as it was a possibility that Danialla would've gotten home late. She sat down near the fire and picked up the knitting needles. Her heavy sigh echoed through the small room as she put her left needle through the thread attached to the right one. All that she heard was the crackling of the wood breaking apart and the clicks of her wooden needles hitting each other.

    Danialla smiled as she heard the quiet silence, something that she hadn't felt in a few weeks. The busy schedule that she had at the castle didn't allow the girl to have quietness and relaxation for a good bit of time. She loved nights like that when she could just go home and relax and do whatever she wanted.

    She didn't know how long time passed, but she suddenly heard a knock on her door. She slightly jumped and looked at the time, 11:32. She got up and looked out at the window and saw a male figure waiting at the door.

    She opened the door and recognized the face as Edmund. She looked at him with a confused face. "King Edmund?"

    He looked at her, "Sorry to wake you but King Lune is here to take Corin back."

    Danialla froze after hearing the name, "What?"

    Edmund sighed, "Just get your cloak on and I'll explain on the way back."

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