21.0 rachamecha

77 3 48

Means in Hebrew: your mercies

     The month of January consisted of a lot of Selection gossip. Some Narnians started to realise that Danialla Castillanos was still in, which made them start to wonder about the relationship that the Just King and her had flourished. Koa spent much time in the castle with his aunt. Many of the Selected started to enjoy the presence of a young two-year-old boy. Danialla had grown friendships with some of the girls that were left in the Selected. Edmund was able to decrease the fifteen girls to seven at the beginning of January. Walight and Danialla had blossomed into a friendship. She kept telling Edmund that Walight was an excellent fairy to marry when the two would spend time together. Edmund only just insisted that he wasn't ready to choose a wife.

     Danialla was in the royal lounge with Edmund as he was ranting about the Selection. She found humour in his constant complaints about his dates and the girls that he has to deal with every day.

     Edmund dramatically fell on top of the couch, "Princess Alana is just so aggravating to deal with!"

     The girl just sat in one of the chairs, raising her eyes at the boy, "Trust me, Ed, I live right next to her."

     Edmund seemed to not hear the girl, if he did he ignored her. "I don't know how I haven't excluded her from the Selection yet!"

     "Maybe because if she's not in the top five, some conflicts might happen?" Danialla suggested, remembering the false joking the two made. She peered at the ceiling with sarcastic interest. She noticed the golden detail in it that she's never realised before.

     Edmund glanced at her, "Not helping, Bridge."

     The girl shrugged and sat up, "I mean, there's only seven of us left, Ed, you can send her home right now."

     Edmund growled, "She would have my skin if she wasn't the last pick."

     "Are you saying that you're scared of her, Edmund?" Danialla teased.

     A scoff came from his direction, "Of course not! I'm only worried what her father would do."

     The velvet couch made some noise as Edmund looked at her, "Am I allowed to end this madness now?"

     Danialla chuckled, "Nope, unfortunately, I am still stuck here for another two months because you won't let me go home."

     The boy frowned and got an idea, "You've always wanted to learn how to swordfight, right?"

     Danialla shrugged, "I mean, it would be neat to learn."

     Edmund smirked and stood up, taking her hand, "Then you're going to be taught by the best swordsman in Narnia."

     The girl frowned, and before she could protest, he was dragging her out of the room with him. She huffed in annoyance but kept walking with him. They entered the armoury room and Edmund looked at Danialla's figure. She glanced at him with a question.

     "Liking the view, Edmund?"

     "I'm trying to figure out what armour will fit you best," he replied, completely ignoring her prompt.

     "And you have to stare at my figure to discover that out?" Danialla questioned. The boy rolled his eyes before going to a cupboard and taking out some upper-body armour.

     He handed them to her, "Try these on."

     Danialla looked at the metal that she had in her hand before trying to figure out how to get it on. "I thought you'd go easy on me."

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