Chapter 1

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I gasped. Sigh.

Another nightmare about my wonderful parents. I wish they were here, but instead they were murdered. Like my heart it has been broken for, what, 13 years.

But I do remember a boy saving me, emerald eyes, dark brown hair, and he gave me a beautiful red scarf. I still have it to remember him by. Though I don't know what he looks like anymore. It was 13 years ago.

That was when I was 9 years old, now I'm 22.

I was alone all my life, even if my grandparent took me in. They kept their distance because I was always in a terrible mood.

Not till I met Armin and his friends when I was 9 almost 10. They were my best friends since then.

Then my grandparents died when I was 18, I grew closer to them when I met Armin.

The boy...

I want to meet him again. I think I fallen in love with him.

My phone ringed, it was Armin he texted. 'Hey! You doing something later?'


'Thought you want to do something later like the mall.'

'Cool let's meet at 3:00.'

'Great! Meet you there.'

I looked at my clock, it was 11:38. I still had some time left so I'll make myself some breakfast for the time being.

*Time Skip*

Bacon and eggs with milk. Delicious.

When I finished breakfast, I went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth. I looked at the mirror. I was pale, had gray eyes, long black hair, and people say that was beautiful. Like I came out of a fairytale. I touched my hair.

Maybe I can cut my hair till my shoulders, I grabbed my scissors and stared cutting my hair.

I finished and looked at myself. Not that bad. I could see my face more. And my head feels more light.

I got out of the bathroom and looked at my phone.

1:3o pm.

How long have I stayed in the bathroom? Well, I did take a LONG shower. - _-

I picked out my clothes. A white tank top, jeans, and blue high tops. And my red scarf.

Might as well go now since to my apartment to the mall is about 45 mins... 30 if you run.

I put my iPhone and wallet in my pocket and went to the door.

I looked outside, it was a sunny day today. Couples laughing and being happy.

I wish I had that someday...

I waved the thought away from my head, I took off.

I was walking on the sidewalk, when somebody was running crazy fast, and crashed into me. Hard.

I fell hard to the ground.

"Ouch!," I said rubbing my head, hoping to get rid of the pain sooner.

"Oh my god, are you ok? I am so sorry that I bumped into you like that! Here, let me help you up." He said. It sounded like he was going to have a heart attack just because he bumped into a girl.

"Thank you, and I am okay. And you don't have to panic like that just because you ran into me....," I broke off my sentence because that's when I looked at his face...

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