Chapter 11

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*5 years now*

"Hey Eren can you please help me with dinner?" I asked.

"Sure be down there in a minute!"Eren replied.

"Mommy, what's for dinner?"? Asked

"It's sushi."

"SUSHI! My favorite." She said happily

"Of course it is...want to help me set the table...Emika?"

"Yes!" Emika said.

"Ok I'm here do you want me to put the sushi together?"Eren asked.

"Yes, please."

Once the sushi was finished Eren pulled me back and hugged me. And he said, "You're the greatest thing that ever happened to me...."

"And you're the best thing that ever happened to me...I love you."

"And I love you too." We kissed and didn't noticed our daughter was right there the whole time."

"You two look so kawaii together! No wonder you got married and love each other so much!" Did I mention that Emika is really smart she started reading when she was TWO!

"But when you come to the picture it's a perfect family!" I picked her up and smiled.

"Your mother is right with you, you make us more happy!"

"You, mommy and daddy, are too sweet!"

"And we love you always!"we said.

"I love you too, can we please eat I'm starving!"

I laughed,"Of course! Come on!"

I love my family so much, I hope we stay together forever! I feel the happiest women alive! I love Eren and Emika! And they love me too!

People were right.....this is my fairytale with a happy ending..... The princess and the prince finally met each other and had a beautiful daughter! I love my's a dream come true.....

END! Final chapter and I hope you guys liked it! Emika did you see what I did there? Of course you did! Hahaha! Love you guys so much! See you soon! Maybe with another book! BYE!!!!!😉😋😃

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