Chapter 8

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The next morning gave me some bad news.

"Mikasa, help me! My boss just fired me for some reason! And I can't pay my apartment anymore."

"Calm down, Eren! I'll help you. If you want you can stay with me."Ooooo. Just did that."There is a extra bed room, I never used it though."

"Thanks Mikasa! You're the best girlfriend ever! Be with my things in a bit, k?"

"K. I'll be waiting"

Ugh. That kinda sounded wrong for some reason to me. But Eren is moving in with me! Yay, I can see him every day. Chill Mikasa, don't think this though to FAR. Jeez I kinda sound like a perv....

But still, soooo excited.

*Time Skip*

Eren came at 4:36 to moving in. He looks so much younger like 15 years old.

Yui was happy to see him too. Wagging her tail. Wanting to lick his face. She so awesome like they say a man's best friend....

Eren told that his boss was drunk and high when he fired Eren. Why him he's drinking and smoking people! Take a hint....

But he said that he'll get a newer and better job. Soon.

To help me with my apartment. So nice of him to help me.

We got his stuff all set up. Got to say it's really clean.

We watched Attack On Titan( you see what I did there?) one of my favorite shows in the whole wide world! I can't wait for season two! (SERIOUSLY) I got goosebumps!

You know when there's a show and one main character is a boy and one is a girl and you have to ship some one with them like each other.

I will be that all the time.

It was 11:50 when the final show ended and I was dead tired, I fell asleep on Eren's shoulder. And carried me to my room.

What a day....

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