Chapter 2

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And that's when I saw his face...

*Present Time*

He looked familiar. But I got nothing in my mind to recognize him or not. But, he does look like the boy that saved me 13 years ago. Same emerald eyes, dark brown hair....but I couldn't let my imagination and past see pass reality. This isn't the boy who saved me.

"Hello..." He said.

I blushed. Wow that never happened before... What is this feeling?!

"I'm sorry for spacing out, but what did you say?" I asked him still embarrassed.

"Oh. I just said if you are sure that you are alright?" He asked.

"Oh! I'm fine just Im little lighted headed. That's all, I promise!" Waving my hand in the air. Trying to save everything is fine.

Laughing awkwardly... I think I made the atmosphere more uncomfortable...

"Anyway... My name is Mikasa Ackerman. What's yours?" I smiled.

"My name is Eren Jaeger." He smiled brightly.

He's so kawaii, I mean cute.. adorable.. hot... Wait...WHAT!? Pull yourself together Mikasa! This is so unlike you. I would of slapped myself across the face if he wasn't in front of me.

"So where are you headed? Park, movies, anything exciting?" Eren asked.

"Well I was going to meet up with my best friend at the Tokyo Mall. Play games, you know those kinds of things."

"I was going to the mall too. Hey aren't you a little to old for playing games at the mall?"

"Says who? The Major of Tokyo, who says 22 year olds can't act like a couple of teenagers once and a while?!" I said laughing.

He laughed too. I blushed cherry red. It is so freakin' cut- NO! Bad Mikasa. You just met this guy! You just can't start liking him so quickly! This isn't Twilight. Wait what... I'm not making sense anymore!!

"So do you want to come with me to the mall." I asked nervously. Please don't say no!

"Sure, why not." Eren smiled again.


We started walking towards the mall.

"So, Mikasa, where are you from?"

"A different part of Japan, got a scholarship from a college from here, and well here I am." Hey, it wasn't all of the bloody truth. But I couldn't tell no one about that day. Not even my best friends...

"For me, Germany. Long story short the same as you. No one in my family wanted me to go. But it was the best for me, you know."

"But, that not all why I came here!" I stared at him close to tears.

Eren looked shocked.

" I'm sorry I blew up like that. I just wanted you to know, but I'm not ready to tell..." I said quietly.

His face softened. And he smiled a little. ( Gee he sure smiles a lot!)

"It's okay Mika. There's no rush at all. Tell me when you are ready."

"Thanks Eren, wait a minute... Did you just call me Mika?" I blushed, just a tiny bit.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind. It sounded like a cute nickname for you." He just blushed too.

"It's alright. I love it!" We cherished a smile.

I looked at the time on my phone. And it was 2:56....crap.

"OhMyGodErenLet'sGo!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled.


He never finished his sentence because I took his hand and took off running like lighting. Nah Fucking SANIC.

I can explain to Armin that I was late because a totally cute guy crashed into me and I invited him to hang with us. He wouldn't judge me right... RIGHT!!!!!

Hopefully, my baby coconut wouldn't kill me... T~T (couldn't help myself)

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