Chapter 5

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I woke up from my deep sleep. I check my phone for texts as always and found out that a unknown number texted me.

I wonder if it is Eren. We did give each other our numbers last night.

I blushed just thinking about, but still it could be a sneaky perv...

'Who is this?'

'Your stalker.'

'Well good luck with that cause I'm calling the police, you perv!'

'JK! It's me Eren!'

'Well why didn't you say so.'

'Cause I was joking around."

'Well I have no sense of humor what so ever.'

'Says the women that threw I pie at my face and laughed at me, and while I was sulking about my shirt you were on the floor laughing you ass off!'

'Well played, Eren Jaeger, well played...'

'Anyway, do you want to do something later.'

'Sure, but what?'

'Let's go to Starbucks first at 12:30 and then go to the state fair. Sounds fair, Mika?'

'Yeah, where do we meet?'

'Starbucks isn't that where I just said?'

He did.

'Well yeah. I mean... Why wouldn't I! I just meet you there. Bye!'

That was so embarrassing. What's wrong with me? With Eren around I see so different around him. Just not feeling like myself... Ugh I guess he has that effect on me.

I looked at the clock on my phone. 11:30 am.

I have a hour to get dressed. So I went to the bathroom and showered, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I wonder what I was going to wear.

How about a black shirt, skinny pants, a peach colored American Eagle hoodie, and blue sneakers. With my red scarf. Yeah it sounds perfect.

It was about time to go 12:15 to be exact. I guess I should get going to Starbucks now. No time to waste with my date with Eren. It was a date... Wasn't it?

Never mind I shouldn't be thinking like that. It's that two friends are hanging out with each other on a Sunday and it is not a date, right. RIGHT!

No it is not. Just two friends hanging out. Maybe I should ask him if it is a date or not. Would he think that I love him or something. That would be bad. Our friendship would be over and I sure don't want that to ever happen. Never!

I should get going now I won't want Eren to wait up for me in Starbucks. I will feel terrible and probably be stupid and buy him a lot of stuff... And be broke.

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