Chapter 4

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It was 6:00 pm when we finshed going through the stores.

We went inside a pet store called, Pets R US.

Stupid... I know. They could of make a better that. God. But they sure had adorable pets around.

Anyway I got a huskey. No. A kawii huskey and I named her, Kiki, she was 2 months and was black and white... And now I'm totally broke but it was worth the cause. It was destiny to buy this cutey!

It was going dark, so we decided to go home.

Eren and I waved Armin good-bye and Eren wanted to walk me to my apartment.

"No, no. I don't want to cause you trouble, Eren." I said.

"It's ok, Mikasa, I want to do this. Can you let me have this moment?" He said.

I couldn't hold it anymore... I laughed my ass off.

"What," Eren asked," What did I do now?"

"Nothing," I said,"It's just the way you said it. It soulded so cheesy."

Eren blushed red hot. "It did, didn't it."

"Yeah, it kinda did. Come on. Let's go, it's getting late and dark."

"K." Eren was embarrassed. I dont know why but he was.

I wondered if he liked me... No, he just thinks of you as a friend.

Man. I just got friend-zoned. T~T

But... What if he did like me more than friends.

We talked and talked like we were old best friends.

I hated that we were at my apartment building. I wanted to talk more.

"Hey, can i have your phone number!" We both said fastly. We were both shocked by this and laughed.

We both gave our numbers and said our good-byes.

I went and unlocked my door and went to bed. I cuddled up against Kiki. She was already fast asleep.

And i dreamed about a special person...

(Gee i wonder who)

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