Happiness Doesn't Always Last Pt 1

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Letitia's family flew in and she went to get them herself, while I stayed back and made sure their rooms were ready. I was anxious.

"Mama!" Letitia called out, as I heard the garage door open. I walked towards the living area to see her standing beside a woman with kind eyes, a barely preteen girl and a teenaged boy.

"Hello." I say, not sure how to greet them. Letitia had said they were kind and she'd told them about me so they were anticipating meeting me.

"Hi!" The woman says, walking over and giving me a hug. I freeze at first, but quickly melt into her hug. It reminded me of my nana's hugs. "You're even more beautiful in person." 

"Thank you." As I step back and her siblings hug me as well.

"I have been dying to meet you!" The girl says, her eyes  lighting up.

"I—me too." I tell her, it was partially true. I wanted to meet them, I just didn't think they would like me or even accept me. I didn't have much experience with family's.

"I've been begging Tish to let me see you on FaceTime and she always says you're busy." The girl pouts, giving her sister a scathing look.

"Oh... um. Well you're here now." I try to placate her. Looking at Letitia with wide eyes.

"Baby, this is my mom Missy Wright. My younger brother Aaron and the brat is Aisha." Letitia introduces, smirking as her little sister hissed at her in annoyance. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing.

"Mommy! Tish is embarrassing me!" Aisha whined, her eyes narrowed at her sister.

"Aisha, you're embarrassing yourself. Big girls do not whine." Missy says, in a soft tone.

"It's nice to meet you, Yasmeen." Aaron says, giving me a smile. "I still can't believe Tish landed you. I thought she was lying at first. She pulled above her grade."

"Nah. I believe I pulled above mine." I give Letitia a sly smile. She was such an understanding and loving person.

After they get settled in, we have brunch as it's only after 11. Missy seems very warm and welcoming, she's genuinely interested in getting to know me. She tells me how happy she is that Letitia found someone that makes her happy.

The way Letitia is so close to her family fills me with hope. She's very playful, and at ease around them. It's as if no time has passed since she's last seen them. Aaron and Letitia quickly get caught up in her gaming system, while Aisha tails me as I clean up.

A few days past with us spending time with Letitia's family. Letitia planned a whole week of events for us and Tati tagged along. It was fun, we went to the beach, a large arcade, the Disney parks and the aquarium.

The paparazzi harassed us as we were out, and pictures of me with my ring leaked. We hadn't planned on making an official statement, as the people that we wanted to know already knew so we let the media speculate and come to their own conclusions.

In between our 'family' days, I was collabing with Future, Lil Baby and Drake. Cardi B had sent her verses and I was currently working on that song along with a song with Ty Dolla Sign.

Tati had me booked and busy. I was pushing out singles and snippets left and right teasing my deluxe album. I was still charting and people were in awe, as I was still independent. Labels were getting more generous with their offers but I still refused to sign to anyone yet.

"Girl, I'm not ready for these clowns." Tati groans as she throws her head back on the sofa in the studio we're meeting Ty Dolla Sign in. I had a beat ready and some lyrics but nothing concrete.

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