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The plan for today was a simple one actually. Infiltrate the USJ and destroy All Might.

Me and Kumori actually got along with our 2 acquaintances. They told us about there quirks and I explained my quirk further than they could already see.

They also gave me a costume for the mission. They promised I could have a custom made costume when and if I joined. I felt as if I was being forced into this group, but was still given an option.

"Shigaraki, Rin, we should leave now." Kurogiri told
us as he opened a warp to the USJ. A lot of low class criminals were behind the 3 of us readying themselves for combat.

I was the first to walk through the warp with Kumori turning into a dark cloud by my side. Shigaraki followed behind me and then all of the criminals.

I looked up to see..kids? There were also 2 pro heros. "Where is all might?" I questioned before anyone else.

"I only see the pros thirteen and eraserhead." Kurogiri commented as Eraserhead sprung into action knocking the criminals out.

"Kumori go get Thirteen." I commanded, the cloud quickly ran to the pro. With no time to react Thirteens suit got ripped to shreds.

Kumori came back to my side before the kids could even touch him. "The pro should be out of commission. The kids were quick to aid them however." He told me turning into his shadow human form.

I nodded, watching Erasers movements. He wasn't a pro for nothing, his skills were something to be proud of. "Why did we grab low class criminals and not useful people?" I questioned once again.

I could probably never understand  Shigarakis way of thinking. That would be a problem in the future. I also never got an answer. I believe he was to busy fan boying over the pro at work.

"Rin, take care of the pro for us while I split up the kids." Kurogiri asked of me. I nodded jumping up behind the pro kicking him in the back.

He quickly recovered sending his scarf my way. I grabbed a hold of it. "Kumori! Get him now!" I yelled out looking around for my companion.

I soon came to the realization that he was gone. "So Eraserhead gives a hint about your quirk? You erase peoples quirks, but the information unknown is how long the effects last." I let go of the scarf I held jumping back a few feet.

His scarf once again came flying at me. I felt a bit of pause in his movements as Kumori came up behind grabbing him by the arms ready to break one on my command.

"You hesitate when your quirk wears off. It's only a very short time, but it's noticeable to fast opponents." I explained, crouching infront of the pro. It's no secret that I am fast at combat. I have no weight I need to carry around with my quirk unlike some people. Do quirks have weight to them actually?

"Hey shigaraki, what do you want with the 2 pros?" I asked looking up from the hero. Shigaraki looked too distracted so Kurogiri responded instead, "Rin! keep Eraser there! One of the kids got out!"

'Shit' I thought, snapping my fingers causing Kumori to slice in 2. One half stayed holding the pro and the other turned into a platform for me to step on. "Kumori take me to the kid." I command to my 'vehicle'.

Kurogiri took his place aside Shigaraki, while I took my leave out the building. When I got outside the kid was already to far for me to even get close. 'Damn it Kurogiri! Of course the fastest one.' I wanted to punch that purple gas thing in the face but he was my ticket out of this place.

I quickly made my way back in, seeing a few kids left near the entrance. I felt there eyes pierce me like a knife. I couldn't describe it anymore than that. Such hatred from students that just started there hero adventures.

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