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After all the introductions we were already out to work. We had to reach the cabin in a time limit to receive food.

Everyone practically sprinted into the trees the moment they heard food was involved. I trailed behind, walking instead of running.

Everyone was defeating the forest monsters, I just walked right through everything unbothered by the things trying to attack.

"Kumori go help them out.. I'm gonna go ahead and scope things out." I muttered to him. He split in two, refusing to leave me by myself with how weird this forest is.

I didn't care, I just wanted to leave this forest as fast as I could. This was boring me. "I don't understand why we have to fight a forest..if they want to challenge us they can fight us themselves." I told Kumori.

He nodded in return, warning me of the kids late arrival to where I stood. They soon made it to me, sweating and breathing heavily.

One last dirt monster followed behind that looked to be punched by the air. Well to the Students anyway, Kumori actually did it to protect me.

"How did you get over here so fast? And without even a scratch on you!" Some people argued. I shrugged, exiting the forest and seeing the teachers standing in front of the building.

They congratulated us for making it in less time than they thought. It was almost dark out therefore it was time for food.

I sat on the end of the table with food placed in front of me. I thanked the teachers for there kindness and dug in. Everyone else was already almost finished when I had just started.

'So impatient...' I thought, Kumori agreeing with my thoughts.

Time skip to the next day when the villains are supposed to attack.

I felt my pocket vibrating, knowing the signal, I ran far into the forest with the other following me. We were training outside, so it was no problem getting them separated. Kumori pushed some away to the left, right, and way past me.

I ran over to the meeting spot seeing a purple portal. "About time Rin! Get your costume on!" Dabi yelled at me.

I followed instructions and got in (insert dream costume design) and put on my mask. Kumori came over, revealing himself for all to see. "Everyone is in groups. It's all ready for attack. I can't seem to find the green haired child however." Kumori told us.

I looked up on the mountain he said he was going to give the one child some food. I pointed up to the mountain and told the one dude to check up there. It was probably the strongest out of all of us. There's no way that kid can beat him.

I jumped down the ledge along side Dabi and twice as we started running towards the cabin where Eraserhead would be. "Twice make a copy of me." Dabi commanded.

Twice made an exact copy of the villain as they both stopped running and the clone started running with me. "It's just up here!" We continued running and then stopped at the door of the cabin.

I heard someone inside telling of a villain attack. 'Shit he already knows. Although now we can take down two birds with 1 stone!' I thought, with me and dabi clone standing on different sides of the door.

I opened the door for the clone to attack Eraserhead. Blue fire spread across the room as I stepped in the room grabbing the kids into a corner.

I saw the clone and Eraser go outside, I followed locking the students inside the classroom.

I soon saw the clone on the floor, wrapped in a scarf. I made a tsk noise before calling Kumori to take care of the teacher. The clone soon disappeared, alerting me to turn back and take care of the kids instead. Unfortunately Kumori got deactivated because of Erasers quirk and I got stuck in his scarf. 'God damn it! His stupid fuckinh quirk again.' I swung my legs back to kick him in the face.

I saw Kumori return to my side stumbling while running with me back to Dabi and twice. "Hey Rin! Come over here!" I heard Toga yell for me.

I ran over to her quickly as the gravity girl and froggy stood around, probably trying to find everyone else.

"Want to attack them?" I asked, in a low whisper. Toga didn't answer, she only jumped out and stabbed the frog girl's tongue. I also jumped out seeing the brown haired girl's expression change drastically.

"Kumori, grab the brown haired girl. Toga take care of the frog." I commanded, standing back against a tree. I saw the brown haired girl try and make Kumori float. "Sorry kid, I'm a shadow. That shit don't work too well with me." He laughed at her attempt, before grabbing her and bringing her over to me.

"Your quirk is magnificent, my dear! However, you worry to much about the consequences." I tell her, grabbing under her chin so she looks at me.

"You love izuku don't you? The way you always look at him. It's beautiful, really!" I whispered in her ear. Her eyes widened and blush appeared across her face.

With her guard lowered, I kicked her in the stomach. "Lesson 1, every put your guard down! Why put you feeling in the way!" I grabbed her arm and twisted it around her back. "Lesson 2, Recover quickly!"

She kicked my one arm away from her, breaking free from my grasp. "That's the spirit! This is going to be so much fun!" I laughed at the brown haired girl.

I could feel Togas eyes on me. She had a crazy look in her eyes, she knew exactly how it felt to be in this situation! I don't have to be calm. I don't have to stay quiet! I don't have to stand by and watch myself burn. I can do whatever I want! "Kumori, stand back and help Toga." I commanded.

I ran at the girl throwing punches at her. Then a kick to her stomach. She flew back against a tree as the frog girl tried to reach her. Toga grabbed her annoying tongue and threatened to cut it off in one swing.

I picked up the girl in my arms, she looked peaceful. I threw her at the frog girl, while Toga jumped back to where I stood.

I soon saw izuku and others come, screaming the brown haired girls name. I made a tsk sound seeing the boy pretty much alive.

Togas eyes lit up at the sight of the boy. "Let's go, we can't take them all on. We already have what we came here for." I looked up the the trees seeing an orange coat hanging around with a blue marble in his hand.

Me and Toga ran off to meet up with mr.compress. "Took you long enough to get him, compress." I complained, asking for the marble. He gladly handed it to me and responded, "My dear, magic takes time to learn and practice."

I rolled my eyes at him walking over to the rest of the villains. "3 of our people are down, but a lot more are injured on there side. I take it you have Bakugo." Dabi said all in one go.

I nodded flashing the blue marble. He nodded back to me as the kids soon caught up to us. I sighed, tossing the marble at Dabi. I went up to them stealing izuku from the boy holding him.

'That was easier than I thought' I thought going back over to the villains. "I think we will be taking these 2 with us." Dabi said, going back into the portal, holding Bakugo's neck.

"BAKUGO! IZUKU!" Some of the kids yelled. I soon saw a bright red fire come my way. "Tsk, annoying fucking brat!" I yelled throwing Izuku to a nearby tree and heading into the portal. It closed up after that.

I sighed, seeing we were back at the base. "Now I have to pretend I'm kidnapped too." I said, not very happy about being here.

I took off my mask and costume to be in my clothes I was in before the attack. They tied me and Bakugo up just to be safe for when he wakes up.

"Rin, you need to be more controlling of your emotions. Yes being a villain comes with freedom, but don't you think you over did it a bit?" Kirogiri asked me. Sitting on the stool closest to me.

"I did what I had too, Kirogiri, what if those bitches killed me? Then what? You guys would be screwed. I can hide my quirk and I am the only one that can get information for you greedy fuckers!" I snapped trying not to break these restraints on me.

"Will you two calm down! The kid might wake up soon!" Dabi kinda yelled. I sighed, relaxing in the chair.

It took 10 mins after that for Bakugo to wake up. I looked over at him and weakly smiled. I was a good actor when it came to this shit.

"What the hell are we doing here?" He said, sending glares at the villains. I hung my head low to hide my smile. I get to tear these bitches to shreds once they let us go.

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