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The news of All Mights retirement spread like wildfire. The number 1 hero, gone from protecting Japan.

My body wasn't in its best state and I would be unable to return to UA until they would come to save me. It was unfortunate, the outcome of it all.

I was just laying on the couch of our new lair for the time being. I took out the piece of paper with much needed information. It had an address and how to find the person I needed.

When Shiggy came to sit with me I put the paper away. At first he said nothing to me. He just sat with me until he slowly started to form words. "You know, I trust you Rin." He said scratching his neck. He continued on after he had my full attention. "Master thinks me and you would be a perfect duo. We both strive for the same goal. He has as much trust in you as he does me."

I lowered my gaze to his extended hand. I took it carefully not to touch his fingers. "Me and Rin are going out." Shiggy said, to dabi exiting the lair.

I put my hood up and hid my hair. No good would come if I was to be seen with Shiggy. He also did the same as we got further away.

"I want to learn more about you. Tell me, where did someone like you come from?" He demanded.

I faced the floor as I thought how to tell him information I wish to forget. I sighed before picking my head up. "I was abused by my father, my brother was taken from me and my mom. Then I was taken from my mom."


The Japanese government loved my family.. my brother had this amazing quirk that they took advantage of. My family grew rich off of it and let the government have it and practically raise him till his teen years.

I was born 10 years after my brother. I was a miracle and everyone thought I would be the same as my brother. I was never like him.

My brother had a quirk that allowed him to do something with blood or water? I can't even remember my own brothers quirk very well..

He was taken from the family permanently when I turned 5 and was just developing my quirk. My father was excited to see and was hungry for more money.

Once we were told of my quirk my father grew furious and locked me in my room. He said I was a disappointment and not a miracle like they had thought.

They got no money from me since my quirk was nothing special. My father tried to reason with them to give me a shot, but they didn't budge.

My father began to grow abusive everytime he saw Kumori aside of me or even around the house. Kumori was more of just a blob when I was younger so he couldn't talk very much or move on his own. He had to be aside of me which is why I am so quick. I had to get him in close to use him.

"Rin!!" My father always screamed when I did something wrong. He mostly yelled at me for training, just like this day.

I went over to him with Kumori following by my side. I was 9 on this day, Kumori could talk more and could be a human silhouette for about an hour at a time.

This was the lucky hour he was in the form, so I went out to train with it. My father must have just gotten home from work when he found me. I received a slap to my face and then a strong grasp on my wrist.

I was pulled into my room and thrown into the wall. I knew what was to happen so I just stayed still and waited. When I never felt anything I looked over and saw Kumori strangling my father. They were both in the air and my father was turning purple.

Soon he was dropped to the floor and Kumori made his way over to me. "I saw him kill mama..." he told me, as he sat close to me. Tears weld in my eyes as I tried not to cry. Kumori already had weird black dots falling to the ground.

We stayed there for 8 hours before the government came to pay my family there monthly rent for my brother. They looked at me and started smirking at one another. They took me in for testing.

I was involved with many quirk awakenings in a year. I was 10 when i escaped. Kumori killed every single one of those fuckers...

I still never knew what triggered him to do that, but I never complained. I was out of that toxic environment with an even stronger quirk than I went in with.

End of flashback

After I told him everything, he stopped walking and faced the floor. I walked a little ahead before I realized he stopped. I looked over to see him scratching his neck.

"You don't have to give me a back story." I said. He lifted his head up and smirked a bit. It was faint, but I saw it.

He walked back next to me and I continued walking as well.

We arrived at a shopping mall and bought some food and new clothes for Toga since she was begging for a new coat.

The whole walk around the mall was silent with only small questions being asked. I shopped the most since...men...

Let's just say Shiggy has no idea how to show for clothes and food. The 2 simplest things to shop for.

We ended up leaving using kirogiris warp since we bought everyone's groceries. Well I bought everyone's groceries.

I took my hood off while everyone that was in the living room took there bags of food. Toga took her coat that Shiggy was kindly holding.

"Thanks for carrying the bags dick." I commented, while everyone else left the room. "AND YOU'RE WELCOME FOR BUYING YOUR SHIT UNGRATEFUL FUCKS!" I yelled after them.

Toga was the only one that stayed as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Rin-Chan! We should go out together sometime! We can have so much fun."

I smiled at the invitation and took her up on it. The only problem with it was I was scheduled to leave in a week time. It was time for my masters plan to be unleashed upon the world in 4 months.

The villain life isn't so easy Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ