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Backstory after the death of everyone.

I had no where to go or run too. I killed my only family. Actually...were they even my family...? I stood over my dads body with rage and tears in my eyes. I had not a hint of remorse.

I left the lab with only a small backpack with some items. I had stolen one of the doctors keys as well and drove off in his car. I knew police would be on my tail as soon as they found a 4'10 child driving in the middle of the night.

My bag rested on the passenger seat as I drove away from my home. Farther and faster I went to get away from what I had done.

I stopped by a city and abandoned the car that was out of gas. I grabbed my backpack and walked on the sidewalk as the sun rised for a new day. Everyone began walking on the sidewalk and streets. Cars went past to take there kids to school and go to work.

I was stopped a few times by people asking where my parents were. I just ignored them and walked past them.

Maybe I should have spoken to them because soon a police car came up next to me and asked if I was lost. I started running for my life. I wasn't getting caught I was finally free from the abuse and torture I endured.

I ran into an alley way and into a building that's door was unlocked. I slammed it shut and locked it from the inside. I leaned against the door and slowly slid down it.

I didn't know what to do. Did I truly make the right decision to runaway..?

I was trapped in these thoughts when I heard a light chuckle coming from the other side of the room I was in.

"My my. A runaway kid? Now that is rare. Japan isn't known for kids running away. Maybe you are just lost." A mans voice echoed through the room. I didn't know what to say or do. I just froze from the mere sound of the man.

I managed to shake my head at the man as he came farther into view. "So you have run away from your parents. You do know it's not safe out without your parents."

I finally formed words when we finished speaking, "I killed my family...there all dead. I was used as a weapon." I just spat it all out and started to tear up.

The man came into the light that was in the room and smiled at me. When I saw his face everything completely changed. He had no face...only a mouth to speak...

My eyes widened at the realization on what I had just walked into.

The man got on one knee and put a hand on my head. "You will be my apprentice. You will inherit all for one. Along with Tomura."

I froze from his touch and was wondering what the hell he just said to me. "A-all for one?" I questioned.

"The power to take and transfer quirks. You will be the one to destroy one for all."

My head started to spiral out of control before I ended up passing out.

I jolted awake and grabbed ahold of the white sheets below me. I breathed heavy as if someone had cut off my breathing for at least a few minutes.

I looked around the room and saw a child just younger than me scratching at his neck. Infront of him laid a pile of ash.

I could hear hushed sobs as if he was trying his best not to wake me. I pulled the covers off me and stood up. My breathing hushed to normal as I quietly walked over to the child.

"Hello! Im Rin!" I extended my hand his way but the moment he saw it he started to freak out. He backed far away from me and refused to even answer me.

I looked at the mess on the ground and asked a simple question. "Did you do this? Cuz that is seriously so cool! You could make a great villain!"

I saw his eyes shine my way as I said those words to him. I smiled when I saw his expression.

He had blue hair and was pale. Very pale... he was just smaller than me and much cuter than I ever could be.

The man from before walked in and behind him was a man with a cart. The cart had hands on the top.

"These are your family Tomura. Do treat them with respect." The man smiled as both of our expressions changed. He looked at me with so much fear. Like I would judge him.

"Rin I regret to inform you I could not find your fathers body. Nor your deceased brother."  My heart broke from hearing that. My brother...they killed him...? Or..did I kill him.

Tears began to overflow my eyes. Kumori came to my side to comfort me. We were both hurting from these words.

I looked at the man and saw a sinister grin on his face. "Kumori kill this fucker like you did everyone else!" I said out of anger. Everyone could see it on my face. Kumori lunged at the man but not before he grabbed Kumori and slammed him into the floor. The movement was so fast Kumori couldn't even react.

Me and the other kid realized in that moment we were trapped for life and no one would get in the way of this man... not even All Might.

I was on my way to my destination written on the paper I kept hidden from even Shiggy. I ended up at the hospital to ask for a doctor. A doctor that would finally give me the power I was to receive all this time.

I won't spare the details of the location. It was just in the hospital with a doctor with a name.

I went under experiments of all kinds and torture that hurt more than anything I have endured. I felt as if I was going to die right on the table I barely laid on.

The Nomu all around me made this even worse. If this all went wrong. Would I be like them?

The doctor led me into a room that was separated from all the rest of the Nomu and told me I would be awoken in 2 months time.

Then started the process of want master wanted all this time. For me to gain his ability he was gifted. And soon Tomura would be blessed with the same abilities as me.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 08, 2023 ⏰

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