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I got accepted to the hero school with open arms the next week. Also no one has to know of my quirk yet considering I missed the sports festival.

They were close to not accepting me but with my experiences in grade school they decided to give a chance.

Security was getting tighter which concerned me, probably would get questioned before allowed into a classroom.

My guess was correct as right when I walked passed the gates to enter I saw pro hero Eraserhead. We locked eyes and then he advanced towards me. "Welcome to UA Rin! I understand you are joining us late. I will be your homeroom teacher for class 1-A." He talked as if he was going threw a breakup.

I put on a smile holding my bag infront of me. "Thank you for taking me in so late! I really appreciate this school's kindness!" Out of the corner of my eye I saw him roll his eyes. Before he turned around to go inside the building.

'Make sure your eyes don't roll to deep in your head Eraser...would hate to see you croak so soon.' I thought before I followed behind him.

The school was very plain for such a prestigious place. I was lead to a room that was labeled the principals office. Without a word Eraser headed to where I assumed his classroom.

I rolled my eyes at his rudeness and knocked on the door infront of me. I heard a calm 'enter' which caused me to open the door.

"Hello Rin. Welcome to UA high! We are so happy to welcome you." The person behind the voice was a short bear. "Hello principal Nezu! Likewise, this is a lovely school." I returned the kindness as he directed me to sit down.

"I believe you heard the trouble our students ran into last week, so I would like to ask a few questions to ensure there safety." I nodded at his words as he pulled out a paper probably with all the questions.

"Why did you join our school so late." He asked first. I expected that question so I already had my answer prepared, "I ran into family trouble, some wanted me to stay home and some thought I should take my quirk to a school. The bickering ended soon and even though everyone had been chosen maybe I could of had a chance." I cringed at the word family but quickly recovered changing my practiced story.

He nodded at my answer and moved on to a few more questions until he stood up and came over to me. "I would like to Welcome you as a student. Please follow me to your homeroom as we talk." He said, walking out the door with me standing and following him.

"They way your quirk works, well rather the ways it's described. Anything you would like it can transform into?" He questioned. 'Ofc he would save the quirk talk for last' I thought

I looked straight ahead responding to his curiosity, "yes, my quirk allows anything to be made by only a thought, once I have the item in mind and how I want it I only must say the name of the item allowed." I gave an innocent smile to the bear.

I wasn't lying about my quirk that much, I just can't have kumori be in his shadow human form. The walk turned into a silent one after that. Soon arriving at the classroom door.

The small bear opened the door with ease, walking in with me following. I gripped my bag hoping my mask was enough to keep myself under the radar.

"Students, this is your newest classmate Rin!" The principal announced. All eyes were on me now. "WOAH! A NEW KID WHEN THE YEAR ALREADY STARTED?" I looked over to see a blonde haired male with speakers around his neck. 'So loud..must be the mic hero' I thought as I scanned the students.

"Hi Rin!" A few students called, waving there hands at me. I put a smile on my face, bowing my head. "I'm grateful to be able to learn with such students. I've seen so much during the sports festival." I told as I looked back up.

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