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I had to stay with recovery girl along with the 2 boys. We were pretty wrecked, I just got the worst of it.

Kumori was low on energy, So much that even I could barely make out his human form. "Rin must stay for a longer period of time. You boys are ready to leave if you so wish." Recovery girl informed us before walking out of the room.

I sighed as Bakugo almost immediately left the room. Izuku stayed by my side though, asking if I was ok and apologizing he wasn't able to help me.

I didn't respond to him. I could only think about how the LoV was going to defeat All Might. How are we gonna take over..

The thoughts went on pause when All Might walked in the doors. "Rin! I am happy to say you passed! Even with young Midoriya carrying you through the goal!" He yelled, but then softening up at my side.

"I apologize for going to hard on you. I was unfamiliar with your quirk. I wanted to be sure of what it was. However, I still can't figure out exactly what it is." He explained very poorly.

I just shrugged my shoulders, attempting to stand up. "My quirk seems to have a weakness I had no idea about. I've never been bested this way. I will beat you one day All Might." I said confidently, standing up fully.

Midoriya and All Might seemed surprised with my answer, but it changed into a look like they both accepted my challenge for some odd reason.

I stretched out my stiff body, grabbing my bag and simply walking out of the room. I soon heard screaming from recovery girl. Probably yelling at them for my disappearance.

"You sure you want to challenge Number 1 this early? He beat us both pretty good." Kumori tells me, his human form becoming a little clearer.

I nodded before forming the words I was looking for, "He beat me pretty good Kumori, your energy feeds off of my energy it seems. The weaker I got, the weaker you got. Or it could be from the punch you received."

I left the schools ground getting into the car Shiggy got for me, so I didn't have to walk everyday. "Did you pass the finals Rin?" I heard Scarface ask. I was a little taken back. He never was the driver, but it was understandable since he made the whole plan with the help of the boss.

"Yes I passed..now we can continue with the plan. I'll blend in with the students but get lost along the way and change into my villain suit, right?" I questioned.

This mission is highly important. Bakugo wouldn't mind if we took him right? We just want to talk to him for a little while. "Yes that is correct. Make sure they are far away from that Bakugo kid. I'll take care of Eraserhead." Scarface responded.

I nodded as we both exited the car, and headed into his hideout. I saw toga and kurogiri hanging around with a few other, probably attending the kidnapping.

"Rin did her part by passing, now we just have to find where the camp is being held and how to get in without anyone noticing." Dabi told us.

A green lizard stepped up to speak. "We could use the girl to sneak us in." I completely shot down the idea. "To much risk, UA is upping there security by a lot. They might be suspicious of students sooner or later with an attack like this." I say, looking at dabi.

"Use Kurogiri to get you in. He is a very loyal dog." I laughed looking back at him, sending daggers my way. I blew a kiss before turning my attention to Toga.

"I just want to get blood! If I can transform into a student that would be perfect!" Toga was trying to explain her quirk I think, just in a weird way.

"I can get you blood of a student. Does it matter of which one?" I asked. "Nope! Just any students blood you can get your hands on!" I nodded at her response, as she threw something at me.

"That's where you can store the blood and extract it! I'd prefer if you didn't mix bloods together, it could get messy." She warned, I nodded my head giving the device to Kumori.

"Take as many students as you want. Bakugo is the main priority however." Dabi tells us and then looks at me. "Also try and take Rin with us. They can't possibly save 2 students now can they." He continues with a smile plastered on his lips.

I nodded agreeing with his words.

We soon all left the meeting, me, Kumori and Kurogiri went to go to our own hideout where Shiggy waited for our arrival.

"Everything is set in stone boss!" I cheerfully say. I only received a nod from Shiggy and then a 'great' from boss man.

I sighed going behind the bar for a drink. "Rin you already stole from the bar. Don't tell me you drank it all." Kurogiri said, snatching the bottle from the hands.

"If I drank it all I would be fallen over not being able to get up again." I shot back leaving behind the counter and sitting a few seats away from Shiggy.

"I leave in a few days for the trip. You sure you don't want in on this plan?" I tried to convince.

"No, you will just bring him head if and when you get him. If not don't bother bringing those brats here ever again." He coldly expressed.

I shrugged my shoulders unable to comment on it anymore.

A few day later

The day of the camp had finally come, I packed my villain items in my Kumori bag and my actual camping gear in a suitcase. Kurogiri was nice enough to take me to the campus where we would be leaving from.

"Good luck Rin. Tomorrow night is the time." Kurogiri told me, as I left the car. I gave him a thumbs up before jogging over to the bus with all my classmates already inside.

I sat in the back with my phone and earphone's attached to me. I stared out the window as we departed from the school. I soon got a text from Shiggy.

Shiggy 👀

Is All Might on this trip?
Read 9:03

Lucky for us no.
Read 9:12

Mm Alr
Read 9:14

I chose not to respond after that. He might have joined in if All Might was here. Maybe we could have even gotten one of his Nomus.

I just shrugged turning my music up louder. He can continue to throw a tantrum about me and Kurogiri being on Dabi and Togas side. I don't lose a wink of sleep over it.

I yawned, slowly drifting into a sleep. Well until Tenya started screaming at us to get off the bus in an orderly fashion. I sighed putting my headphones and phone in my pocket.

I probably wasn't allowed to have them but who cares. I need to update the gc on what the hell is going on.

When we all got off the bus 2 girls stood in front of us.

They greeted us and introduced themselves. Saying there 3rd member would be here soon. 'Hmm..4 pro heros we have to look out for..' I thought, seeing Kumori with a thumbs up.

This summer camp is going be no normal summer camp. 'Just you watch UA! The LoV is going to bring class 1-A to the ground!'

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