Chapter 6: Why me?

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I walk forward in the landscape, I don't know what to expect. What if something impales me? What if these windmills are dangerous? What if I cross this dangerous land all for nothing? From the distance, I notice a figure. This scares me, do they know I'm here? Do they want me to be here? What's going to happen to me if they notice me? This scares me, I tremble with every step I take. I hope there isn't anything in the land that could harm me. I hope the demon in the distance doesn't see me. I keep crossing the lands, until I see something else.

Something's coming up to me, oh no. 

I'm pretrified, I don't know what they could or will do to me, but something tells me it won't be good. I stay still, absolutely panicked. I hope this person doesn't have any intentions on hurting me. I'm not ready to die.

"Who's there." I hear a voice say, the person is getting closer and closer. I'm to scared to say anything, I remain silent hoping whoever is coming close assumes its nothing.

"Huh? Is somebody there?" I hear another voice say, they're further away from me, but they're also getting closer.

I haven't gotten a close glimpse of either of the levels, and I don't want to. I go behind one of the windmills in the landscape, hoping they don't see me.

"Listen, we already know you're there, just stop hiding. You came here for a reason." The first voice says. I see the second person getting close to the first one. Both of them are looking at the windmill I've hidden myself behind. 

Scared, I stop hiding behind the windmill and reveal myself. Both of them look at me confused. 

"A Demon?" The first voice says, now that I have a good look at them, I notice that this person is Supersonic. No. I've heard about how dangerous they are. This makes me even more scared than I already am. I hope Supersonic doesn't have any plans to hurt me.

"Demons don't really visit eachother, is everything okay? Did something happen?" The second voice says, I now see that they're Windy Landscape. Two of the hardest demons are infront of me, I'm scared that they'll do something to me.

I don't talk at all. I don't even know how I'm going to explain my situation to them. Why would I tell both of them that this isn't my body, HOW would I tell them? How am I supposed to tell them that I'm stuck with memories that don't even belong to me anymore? How am I supposed to tell them that I can't remember anything about myself, like who I am, what I'm supposed to do, or how I'm supposed to do it? They already caught me, if they wanted, they could kill me right here right now.

As I try to think of what I'll say, I just can't. Too much happened to me, why did this have to happen to me? Out of everyone in this world, why was I the one chosen to go through this hell? Why did I have to go outside at that specific moment? I'm stuck in my thoughts trying to think of something to say, I'm too stressed to. 

"Are you okay?" Windy Landscape asks me. My thoughts are racing, my heart is racing. I can't even think of anything to say. I only know that I can't take this anymore.

I break down.

I keep uncontrolably sobbing as Windy Landscape tries to help me.

"'t understand....nobody does...." I practically mutter between sobs. I can't stop crying, this is the worst I have ever cried in my life. My life has fallen apart and theres nothing I can do about it, so why does it hurt this much?

"Couldn't we try? Maybe theres something we can do about it?" Windy Landscape tells me, still trying to comfort me.

I try to calm myself down so I can finally tell them what's been bothering me.

"..I can't remember anything about myself....I need help..." I basically whisper to them, I left out the part of me being stuck in another body. I still don't know how to explain that to them.

I just wish this entire thing didn't happen to me, but it did, there's nothing I can do about it now. I hope they have a solution to this, but they probably won't.

"Maybe let's start with finding whoever made you, maybe you know that?" Windy Landscape tells me. I don't. I've cried to the point where there isn't anything else to cry out. I nervously shake my head.

"I've heard about some sort of city with a bunch of players in it, maybe we can go there." Supersonic says. I nervously agree.

"Alright! Off we go then!" Windy Landscape says excitingly.

"Wait what? Okay then, I guess we're going then." Supersonic says, I don't think they actually expected Windy Landscape to follow through with this.

Atleast I'm starting to get somewhere, I really hope this isn't all for nothing.

(YEAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAKASDFJASLFJDSZLGFSKGUDFSKOGUIELGHDFSKLGJDFSPOGFHULGOH theres Chapter 6 for you guys and this one is actually the longest ever! (as of chapter 1-5 because I'll probably type longer), anyways stay tuned for Chapter 7 coming idek when but it's coming. Credits to @LoafeeBuns on twitter for helping me with the dialogue for Windy Landscape and Supersonic and also creating the designs that started this entire fanfic so go over there and follow them and tell them that theyre awesome and stuff anyways I'll stop typing this is getting to long)

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