Chapter 8: Not Again.

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I make my way back to the black and yellow space with the poster in my hand. As I look at it, I can't help but start to cry. Something about it feels so discouraging and disheartening. They're not going to find me, so eventually they'll give up and stop trying. After that, I'll be dead to this world. I keep sobbing, this feels like a sign that I should just stop trying to become who I once was. I keep getting tears on the paper, yet I don't care, I've never felt this confused, hurt, or sad before. I hope that I hear that same deafening noise, and maybe I'll be saved from this entire thing. I already know that won't happen, and I can't help but keep dreaming. I keep crying, and then I eventually fall asleep.





I wake up, I feel worse than when I went to sleep. I feel pain in my arm, I look at it and see the same mark I inflicted on myself yesterday. Unfortunately, I'm still not in my body. I don't know what time it is, so I decide to go back to the city to see. I start walking, demotivated from seeing that poster. I was closer to the city than I was to the other place, so it's closer than it was when I woke up in this body.

It's nighttime, I'm greeted by the scene of glowing lights. I keep walking and look at the window again. It's me, not really Me, but me. I'm a demon. I wish I wasn't, yet I am. I look away from the window and keep walking. I don't know why, but seeing my reflection and seeing something I'm not scares me. I wish I could just leave this body, and come back to my old one. Yet, I can't. I keep walking, hoping Nine Circles doesn't come out again like he did yesterday.

He doesn't, I feel somewhat relived. The relief I feel immediately melts down as I hear his voice once again.

"Oh, it's you again." I hear Nine Circles say. I turn to where he was yesterday, but I don't see him. I start to panic. Where could he be if he isn't on the balcony? I turn around and see him next to me.

"You know, you didn't answer my questions yesterday." He tells me.  I get confused, but realize I really didn't. Oh No. He also knows that I'm vulnerable, maybe I shouldn't have told him or that purple fairy that information yesterday.

"Do you know what I do to people who don't answer me?" Nine Circles says. No, I don't. I don't want to know. I realize that I really didn't answer his questions yesterday, I didn't even say anything! What is Nine Circles going to do to punish me? I keep thinking about what he could do.

"I'm just kidding! Sorry about that." Nine Circles says to me, he just kind of disregards what he said to me. I'm somewhat relieved, yet still scared.

I try to get the courage to say something to him, and I succeed.

"That..wasn't funny.." I pretty much whisper to him.

"Wow, okay then." Nine Circles says, just not really taking this seriously.

I don't pay much attention to it, I have other things to worry about. I think about what I'm going to do if I get there, assuming that Demons are allowed here. What if they aren't? What am I doing to do? I slowly start walking towards the city, even more nervous. I really only know that I should probably get something to drink as I don't remember drinking anything since yesterday. I keep walking until I hear Nine Circles say something else.

"Wait!" Nine Circles says. I turn around to look at him, wondering what else he could have to say to me.

"How about I give you some advice? Maybe as compensation?" Nine Circles suggests. I nod my head nervously.

"Alright, so you probably shouldn't go out in plain sight, there isn't exactly that much of us, and they don't really take us lightly." Nine Circles tells me. He also said some other things, but I didn't hear them.

"...okay.." I quietly say. I keep walking, now a bit more scared with that information.

I really didn't know that this place I called home could be as scary as it now is to me. I think about what could happen if people do see me, what are they going to do to me? I realize that I do eventually have to get something to eat and drink, so I venture out to the city and brace myself.

(lol thats Chapter 8! it got smaller but idec lolololol. Credits to @LoafeeBuns on twitter for writing the plot out for some of this Chapter! go over there and tell them that they're awesome and they deserve the world [bc they do] and give them gifts and donate bits and stuff idk but make sure you support them bc this wouldn't be possible without them! yaya)

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