Chapter 11: Sworn Conversation

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Eustass' place fell into a routine as the days turned to weeks. Emma and House would come and visit while Hip and Mosh slept during the day. Other members of the crew would show up with Emma or House on days when one or the other didn't arrive. You met Gig, Pomp, Reck, Dive and Boogie over the course of the next few weeks. Killer seemed to keep himself busy with cooking, considering the house was full more than empty, and Kid, Heat and Wire were consistently getting back home just before you woke up.

Your healed arm was mapped on Monday, and you were scheduled for the connector surgery the following Monday. Killer and House had gone along with you, and the whole thing had been easy.

The Friday before you were scheduled for your surgery you woke up and meandered downstairs to see an unusual sight. Eustass Kid was sleeping at the dining room table.

You sat down across from him, watching his shoulders rise and fall steadily. The goggles he used more as a headband than as goggles were on the table near him, and the mess of red hair fell over his face. It was the most peaceful you'd seen him in all the time you'd known him. Some part of you wanted to do something bratty, like tie his boot laces together or something, but he was sleeping so soundly you felt a bit bad for having the thought at all.

Eventually Killer came out of the kitchen with two plates. He tilted his head toward you in silent greeting, before setting a plate by Eustass and the other one in front of you. He put a finger up to his lips, and then pointed to his eyes before pointing to Kid.

Killer waved his hand over Eustass' plate, fanning the steam toward the red head's face. You were already trying not to laugh at the show, but once Kid's finger twitched you were nearly in tears trying to keep quiet. Seconds later he was awake, albeit groggily, looking around before he pulled the plate of food closer to himself and began to eat. You had your hand over your mouth, trying not to laugh, barely able to keep your composure.

"Wasso funny, Mouse?" Kid slurs, brushing the hair out of his face.

"N-nothing, ab-so-lute-ly nothing." You assert, taking a few deep breaths and trying to avoid looking at him. "What're you doing up?"

Kid chugs half the cup of coffee Killer had brought and shakes his head. "Readjusting my sleep schedule."

"Wha' for?" You ask, hand over a mouthful of food.

"Your surgery's Monday, right?" He asks, and you nod. "They told you how that'll go, right?"

You pale a little a nod. Neural prosthetics worked off nerve connections, which meant the base was connected with minimal to no pain killers. You needed to be able to verify the connections were connected, and there was going to be a lot of communication between you and the surgeon.

"Unless you're against it, I was going to sit with you through it." Kid says. He's not looking at you, instead he's focusing on the food in front of him. "If you're more comfortable with Killer or Emma or-."

"No, it's – I mean," you interrupt. "Thanks. I appreciate that." You manage a smile even though the thought of the procedure does have you a little unnerved. "I just need you to promise me something."

"Sure Mouse, fire away."

"Don't let them stop. They said something during the prep appointment that in certain cases they'll stop the procedure. I think I'm tougher than what the threshold is, but-."

"Don't sweat it, Mouse, you'll be done with it Monday and have your connector and everything, I promise."

You smile, "Thanks." Kid grunts, mouth full of food, and you manage to dive into your own food as well.

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