Chapter 3

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On the other side of the gateway lies nothing but beige emptiness. There is no ceiling, no walls, just nothing for seemingly miles and miles to come. I turn around and notice the portal is still active. I holler back, "What is this place?" After a few seconds I hear mere silence. But then I hear a response from the eardrum shattering low voice that can only belong to Satan.

"Purgatory bitch. Hope you loathe it more than Hell. Go fuck yourself." He says.

I immediately scream back, "Am I alone?"

"Turn around." Then the portal closes.
Before I can do such an action, I hear the faint speech of a familiar voice.

"Hee hee! Shomona! Annie are you ok? Are you ok Annie? Ow! Thriller! Yeah! You've been struck by a smooth criminal!" I look and see a tall thin white man with a firm grip on his testicles. He must have had plastic surgery because his face is contorted into an awkward configuration.

"I know that face anywhere," I tell myself. "You're Michael Jackson! And you're not black!"

"The one and only! Hee hee!" Cowered behind him is a little boy with freckles. The child is wearing a yellow t-shirt and blue slacks. He mouths something under his breath, but it is too long to decipher. I lose my train of thought when Mr.Jackson begins to speak again.

"Welcome to purgatory! My names Michael, but you can call me King of Pop. Try not to have too much fun, it's pretty boring here. Except for the bundle of joy I have in Cory."
Cory must be the little boy cowered behind him. He has dried tears on his cheeks and tends to sniffle on occasion. I am in shock when MJ pulls down his trousers and begins to dry hump the little boy into submission. Cory struggles back, but in vain as The King of Pop pins him to the ground that doesn't appear to exist. He persists to slap his erect cock in the little boy's face. I can't continue to watch so I turn around. However, my conscience continues to eat at my chest as Cory begins to scream. So does Michael, but his are screams of pleasure as I hear cumshots erupt from his penis. Despite him cuming on Cory, he still hasn't reached his climax and remains erect.
I can't withstand this torture anymore and I beg for Satan's forgiveness. I wail in hopes he will hear me and let me return to Hell. I beseech that he listen to my apology. Part of me dreads that he doesn't give 2 shits whether I suffer, and even if he did, he can't hear me.
It is then where I hear a faint chuckle, and a voice that begins to diminish in tone. It can only belong to Satan.

"How's it going little bitch? You enjoying purgatory with señor pedophile?" He pauses and clears his throat. "What is it that you want?"

"I want to get the fuck out of here! Please Satan, I'm so sorry!"

"It's too late faggot, you had your chance." He says. But he then says something that shocks me so much, I might shit my pants. "You know what, even though you fucked up my life, I'm willing to let you back into Hell."

"Really?" I ask.

"On one condition: you must prove you really do belong in the underworld to repent for your numerous sins." Satan retorts.

"How do I do that?"

"I'll give you one more shot at life. You have seven days on earth to demonstrate you truly are one evil motherfucker. If you can do so in the week I'm providing you, you will allowed entry into Hell. So tell me, are you a sick bastard of a soul?"

"Yes sir. I promise you won't regret this!" I exclaim in gratitude.

"I better not, fuckface. Now prepare to be resurrected as a whole new Sugardaddy. You will be placed in the most fucked up nation in the world: the United States of America. Upon resurrection, you will be a clone of your former body, but with the same soul. The clock starts ticking the moment you set foot on Earth. You will be granted temporary immortality to ensure you have the capability to effectively cause mass chaos and destruction. I will be disguised as a regular civilian and will be watching your every move to make sure you don't do anything... smart. I would say good luck, but I'm sorta rooting for you to fuck up. Now get ready, and, shazam!" Satan points all five digits in my direction and shockwaves expel from his fingertips. They besiege me and I am lifted from my feet. While not quite sure for certain what's occurring, I go with the flow and on a whim, decide to trust Satan's dark magic. I see another portal, which is starting to become redundant. I hear the crackling of lightning around my body and am thrusted into the center of the gateway to what I'm hoping is Earth. I plan to execute Satan's task for me, as I would rather die a painful death, than watch Michael Jackson rape a little boy for eternity.

"Here I go." I tell myself. "This is going to be fun."

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