Chapter 7

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Day 3

I wake up on top of the teenage girl I fucked last night. She smells of perfume and slut powder, AKA makeup.

"By the way you now have aids," I say while yawning and stretching.

"That's ok." She says. "I lied about the virgin part. I'm actually pregnant right now and have intense gonorrhea. Merry Christmas."

I slap the bitch in the face and tell her to get the fuck out and if she ever tells anyone what happened, I'll get Rebecca Black to sing Friday at her sweet sixteen. I also cum in her shoes and on the door handle so she has to touch my jizz to get out of the motel room. That'll teach her to lie about her virginity.

As I make my way to the bathroom at the end of the room to take a piss, I wake up Ladasha by jabbing her repeatedly in the breasts.

She yawns and exclaims, "The fuck do you want nigga?"

"I just wanted to let you know I gotta piss then we're gonna hit time road again." I say.

"Man, all this driving is making me sick as fuck. When are we gonna get to the action nigga?"

"Once we get to Hollywood you can do all the fucked up shit you want till you grow a boner." I tell her.

"We better nigga. Or else I'll shove a fork up your dickhole."

I proceed to take a really, really long urination. It must have lasted at least 30 seconds. At least it felt good. I then get changed out of my one-night-stand clothes and step into my blood-soaked denim jeans and jacket.

Out of appreciation, I take a shit in the toilet as well and purposely forget to flush. I leave a note next to the latrine saying, "Thanks bitches." Aren't I just precious?

Ladasha and I get in the Ferrari and I rev the engine and race out of the parking lot. I hear the tires screech on the pavement as I drift out onto the highway.

It isn't all that long till we see an opportunity to cause havoc. In the distance I see a sign saying "Nevada State Penitentiary", next to a Chuckie Cheese's. Without using my turn signals I switch into the right lane and cut off 3 other cars in the process. Whatever, they can all suck my dick as far as I'm concerned. I proceed down the exit and make my way towards the penitentiary. This will no doubt, be interesting.
After a few short changes in direction, we arrive in front of the building. Out of good taste, I decide not to impregnate and then murder every little snot-nosed little shit inside Chuckie Cheese's. I'll let the inmates do that after I kill all the guards. Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell you reader that I'm going to set every psycho in this hellhole free. Hooray for Sugardaddy.

Once I step out of the car and inside the penitentiary, I notice that a lot of the inmates are either black or part of the Aryan Brotherhood. "Interesting..." I whisper to myself.

I walk inside and immediately an armed guard asks me "What the fuck do you think you're doing here?" He seems angry. I spit in his face and grab his sub machine gun and shoot him down, while not wasting any bullets. I then pull a grenade out of his pocket and throw it at the glass door containing the convicts. It explodes, and after a moment of hesitation, they all run towards the crater and through the newly formed hole. The guards start shooting at them, but they don't have enough ammunition to kill all of them.

A heavily tattooed Latino escapee gallops towards Ladasha and juggles her boobs in his palms. I can't help but laugh, and she gives me the black version of the evil eye. The Latino pulls out a shank, but before he can do anything with it he's shot down by a guard from high elevation.

For some strange reason, neither the guards or the convicts are attacking us. However, now the inmates run the prison. Across the street the escaped prisoners are killing the toddlers at Chuckie Cheese's and raping their parents, just as I predicted. But before anything else can occur to where I'm the one being sodomized, I make a run for it and bolt away in my stolen blue Ferrari.

Ladasha and myself are driving away, both of our heartbeats are breakneck. We congratulate each other on our most recent success, but non-verbally we agree we must do must more horrid acts in order for me to truly belong in Hell.

But then Ladasha starts freaking the fuck out. She points to what seems like empty space in the sky. However, then I see it too. Flashing radiance, alternating from blue, to green, to yellow, in the clouds. I see a disk that must be very large, due to it being of decent size compared to the clouds. I floor my foot to the gas pedal in hopes to escape whatever is following us, but all in vain. It continues to pursue us, no matter how fast I go. Then it shines a bright red light in the shape of a "V" down at us, then everything goes dark.
I wake up, my brain is heavy and my eyes ache. Ladasha is no where to be seen, but I can hear her faint screams of "Oh nigga," in the distance. I am laying on a metal table. I see nothing but wires and cables, until two short gray midgets with big eyes come into the circular room. They are thin with weak lips and scrawny arms. If you look hard enough you can literally see their heart beat underneath their rib cage.

"Greetings, earthling." They say in unison.

"Hey," I reply. "You guys look just like Asians! Except I can see your pupils!"'

"Then I'm assuming Asians are very smart humans if they are compared to beings like us." They say in unison once more.

"Yeah, I guess." I say. "They're good at math, but that's about it. Oh, and chess too."

"You seem like a fairly intelligent being," The strange midgets say. "Do you know who we are?"

"Never seen you fuckers a day in my life."

"We are what you humans would call aliens," they announce.

"Holy shit. What do you want from me?" I ask.

"We want to question you about a specific topic for our survey." One alien says, this time not in unison. "We want to ask you if there's one thing that contributes to your race's failure to cope with one another, what is it?"

"The Portuguese." I quickly reply. "Damn fucking Portuguese ruin every god damn thing on this planet. They're even worse than the Jews."

"Well, if that's the case then we will make sure to abduct their children and eat their flesh much more often. Thank you for your time."
"Wait," I shout. "Were is Ladasha?"

"Oh, you mean the negro? Her memory will be wiped and be returned to earth along with you. Goodbye my fellow organism."

The next thing I know I see a white flash and I am behind the wheel once more. They said they were going to wipe Ladahsa's memory, as what appears to be the case as she is singing along to R&B song on her iPod. It's like nothing ever happened. They must've forgot to wipe my memory though cuz I still remember their Asian-like bodies, and big eyes.

Quite the contradiction isn't it? But I'm going to choose to keep this a secret from Ladasha because it doesn't seem like a big deal. That, and I don't give two and a half shits.

After about a rough hour of driving, we cross the California border. We are about an hour or two away from Hollywood, the place where I'm going to go balls out and tear shit up.

"You are my bitch." I think aloud, almost waking up Ladasha in the process. But I keep driving, and it seems like no time at all till I arrive at my long awaited destination. Hollywood, California.

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