Chapter 9

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Day 5

I am now in the heart of Hollywood. It has took me a few days to get here, but hopefully it's worth it. I see celebrities and homeless bums everywhere. And the air is so polluted I might choke. While driving around I see a sign that says "backstage". I wonder what that means.

I park by a television set with a big poster board showing the cast of The Big Bang Theory on it. I walk inside with my rifle on my back and begin to take aim on every sad motherfucker there.

Their screams of anguish delight me as every round fired is a feeling of absolute exhilaration. I feel especial glory when I blow the brains out of Kunal Nayyar, or more commonly known on the show as Raj. The fucking cow kissing taxi driving Indian fuck can lick a dick in the afterlife when I'm done carving out his skull and cuming inside it like I did to that one police cop.

Jim Parsons is much harder to kill than you may think. I fire multiple shots that his thin, lengthly body avoids. I do eventually strike the faggot in the heart, in which he bleeds out shortly afterward. But greatest of all, I leave "Penny" or Kaley Cuoco to die last. I grab her by the breasts and begin to fondle her boobs. She inflicts me with a boner because she's so fucking hot. She screams for mercy, but I ignore it as I tell her to suck my dick. She does as I say and uses full tongue. While she blows me I reload the rifle and carefully put a bullet through her neck, cautious to avoid my cock in her mouth.

Eventually, I run out of ammunition for my hunting rifle and am forced to murder the filming crew and studio audience with my sub-machine gun from the Nevada state penitentiary. Body after body hits the floor due to my superior aim. I'm pretty sure a pregnant mother was in there too. I chuckle and holler a war cry that could be heard from miles away. I must run now to make my acts of terror more effective.

I escape the television filming set and am more than pleased to see a sign that says "Disney Channel HQ" on it. I walk inside and without thinking I murder everyone inside out if habit. I then fiddle with the controls in a large room with multiple screens which I'm assuming determine what is presented on Disney Channel to the rest of the country. I'm pretty good with technology so it's pretty easy to replace all the kids shows with intense ebony porn. I giggle as I watch cumshot after cumshot on the screens occur. I wonder how parents and children alike react when they see their favorite shows have been replaced with mine. Tee hee.

I'm out of breath because I've been running between sets so much, so I decide to take a breather. So far guards and security have failed to stop me so I feel confident in my continued success of causing chaos.
I stop and take the time to see Morgan Freeman do a presentation on life choices, and I decide to approach him with my HIV positive syringe of blood and inject it into his neck as he speaks from behind him. His audience screams, and I continue to laugh as Morgan Freeman gasps and exclaims, "What the bloody fuck?". I like puns.

I escape unscathed, with sub-machine gun in hand. I then make my way around Hollywood disguised as a homeless prick with blood all over my clothes. I find my Ferrari, which is about to be towed for being parked in an off-limits zone. Time passes before I find my next victim wandering the streets: Betty White.

I'm pretty sure she has Alzheimer's, as she appears to have no fucking idea what she's doing. She's pretending to gallop on a horse with no shirt that exposes her disgusting ancient breasts. I pull up and briefly park the car to grab the dumb old bitch and kidnap her into my car. We then make a stop behind a dark alley where I tie her up and torture her to find out what she knows about the illuminati.

I proceed to water board her and ask questions about her involvement with the mysterious organization. It's hard to hear her over the gargling and spitting, but she simply gives the same answer every time of, "Where are your parents young boy?" Maybe if I answer her she will cooperate.

"I murdered my parents 10 years ago back when I was 9." I say with a frown. I don't know why. I hated them.

"That's wonderful!" She says. "Would you like a butterscotch candy?"

"No! You dumb old cunt!" I scream. It's pretty clear I won't be getting any answers from this slut anytime soon. So I repeatedly punch her in the face until she stops breathing. My arm is exhausted after that.

I then stop by a movie theater and see Jennifer Lawrence outside. I walk up to her, ask for her autograph, but hastily grab her and chuck her into the trunk of my car. I then drive all the way out to the middle of the Mojave Desert. I then open the trunk in the blazing heat and let her out, intact. She punches me, but I dodge it and push her away before I get in the Ferrari and leave her to die. But before I leave her, I scream "This isn't the hunger games now is it bitch?". Shit like that makes me crack up.

I drive back to Hollywood with pretty much nothing special occurring on my way there. When I arrive, there are police cars and detectives everywhere.

"Damn. People must really like Jennifer Lawrence..." I say.

I see Bruno Mars walking down the street so there is one last thing I must do before I get busted by the Feds.
I walk up to that cocksucker and take down his pants to where his baby dick is present. I stick my gun up his asshole and he screams, and I pull the trigger and bullets and blood escape his esophagus. I laugh my most sinister chuckle of all, because I really hated that pussy. I piss on his dead body for good measure.

But then all eyes turn on me, and I force my hands above my head as hundreds of policemen have aim in me. I am pulled into custody, and locked up in one of the cages similar to that of doctor Hannibal Lecter from silence of the lambs. "Goodbye Hollywood," I mumble. "So long bitch."

It is not long before I am taken to Washington D.C. and placed in a jail cell awaiting trial by the Supreme Court for mass murder and rape.

However, there is someone else in the cell too. He approaches me and says, "Hello, my name's Ron."

"Ron Weasley?" I ask.

"No. Ron Jeremy."

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