Chapter 5

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Day 2

Normally I masturbate while I drive. But due to the buckets-worth of blood on my hands, I thought that would be in bad taste. I had been driving for a few hours now and I think it's time for me to take a pit-stop so I can piss and jack off. Down the road I see an exit sign incorporating the 7-11 logo. Without using my turn signal, I veer into the right side lane and ram a minivan full of brat teens off the road. I watch the fags roll like a tumbleweed down the hill next to me. Again, sinister laughter escapes my piehole. Their screams are amusing like a child's plead for life.

Before I look in my satchel, I examine the area around me for the police. When I see the area is clear of the popo, the bottle of Viagra tablets is opened and I decide to quickly pop 10 of them into my mouth. I've been high on ecstasy before, but never Viagra. This will be interesting for sure.

I make a few short turns and soon arrive at the parking lot of the 7-11 convenience store. I'm buzzing, but yet fully intoxicated. However, I currently have an 11 inch erection of steel, even though there's no chicks around me for as far as my eye can see. Except a fat Puerto Rican bitch with a plastic bag full of maxi pads and a deep camel toe.

With short strides I slowly walk inside the building with a hunting rifle propped on my left shoulder. When my feet are in front of the store, I utilize my hands to push the door open. I'm really slow now, because every second I become higher off Viagra. The air is hazy when I step forward.

I burst in and scream, "Who here gives the best fucking Handjobs?" I am stunned to see someone has already beat me to 7-11. Someone I know.

"Da fuck you saying nigga? You high biotch?" A familiar female voice says. The room is being held hostage by an acquainted figure. People are huddled in a corner with hands on their hands. With a silver Desert Eagle firearm in hand aimed at the cashier, she is masked and suited in a black jumpsuit. I know this woman from the contents of her speech: the black nurse who pulled a gun out of her cleavage back when I died. Ladasha.

"Ladasha, 'the fuck are you doing here?" I announce.

"White nigga, you're the faggot who shit in his britches! How the fuck you alive nigga?" She takes her mask off and resumes her role in the conversation. "And What do you mean what the fuck I'm doing here? I got here first bitch!"

"Yeah, well I'm high on Viagra so fuck off!" I reply. I almost trip on air.

"Man, you shut the fuck up before I out a cap in yo' ass!"

As we continue to argue with one another, the 7-11 cashier slips underneath the counter and pulls out a colt 1911 and begins to aim at the preoccupied Ladasha. The cashier mustn't be a good shot because in the time it takes him to find the gun and aim, I casually put a bullet through his skull and watch brain chunks fly out the back of his hat. I don't take my eyes off Ladasha the entire time. Murder like a boss.

Ladasha is caught off guard by me saving her black ass. We exchange a look of "Thank you for saving my life," and "Your fucking welcome." A verbal transaction isn't necessary.
The people in the corner are now screaming and sobbing, so I decide to silence them. I put a bullet in each individual, and Ladasha follows my lead. Their bodies slump and fall to the ground like JFK impersonators.

As I stumble over bodies to go piss in the women's bathroom, Ladasha proceeds to search the store, and shoves money from the cashier into a cartoon money bag and grabs a quick honeybun treat which she inserts into her mouth.

I'm still pleased to see my intact penis. It's pure bliss to hold it between my fingertips while I urinate into a deteriorating 7-11 toilet. On the stall wall is a glory hole too small for me to fit my behemoth dick. What a damn shame. I was really looking forward to a quality fellatio.

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