Chapter 11

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Day 7

Today is judgement day to decide whether Satan will allow me have eternal suffering in the underworld. We have already escaped Washington D.C., and have made our way to Hell for a trial.

The voyage there is silent. Satan drives us to New Jersey where the portal to Hell officially lies in the United States. We get inside, and are transported to a dark room full of prestigious looking demons in suits and ties. Then Satan clears his throat and the meeting begins.

"We are all here today to discuss the status of Harry Crotch, AKA Sugardaddy. The topic of conversation is whether we as a team, should lift the ban off of him and allow him into our place of suffering. He has committed numerous crimes against humanity and sins alike. Sugardaddy, is there anything you would like to say before we begin?"

"Yeah, I got you some penis enlargement pills. Just a sec they're up my asshole..." I reach up my butt with one fist and dislodge the shit covered container. I then hand it to Satan who is speechless.

"Sugardaddy... I don't know what to say.."

"So can I come back?" I ask.

"To be completely honest you could've just burned a bible or something and we would've been good. I'm pretty laid back." He says.

"Oh damn. All that hard work..."

It was then where I spent the rest of eternity burning in hell for my countless sins.
The end.

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