Shot Heard Around the Galaxy (Revamp)

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Edit (4/13/2023) Changed plot lines. No Mass Effect, No Bullshit battles with no continuity, Just your normal Halo x Star Wars Fic with an upgraded Halo Verse with fixed Cultural and Political problems. (If you see this message, either I changed the chapter entirely or this chapter is outdated and is awaiting scrapping and reformation, this reformation is happening only to the Strangreal Arcs and some parts of later arcs)


Location: Senate Building, Coruscant

Senator Padme Amidala


The inner dome of the Galactic Senate was loud, something that was all too normal for Padme Amidala. Being the Senator for the Chommel Sector and Naboo she was probably one of the most pro-peace senators in the Senate, something she never really reflected back on, it was her natural instinct to work for negotiations.

Now the Senate was called in for a meeting, the current situation involving the world of Strangreal was a bit tricky. Strangreal claimed allegiance to a government called the United Systems of the Terran Government and was steadfast in not switching allegiances. Something that Padme could agree with, it was all too similar to how the Naboo Crisis 12 years ago played out, a government under siege who was unwilling to change or make concessions that would impact their populations negatively against what was supposedly a much larger force.

Padme thought it was ludicrous for the Republic to even try to force this planet into their ranks and be used as 'war material', a war that could have been easily prevented. She was rapidly losing hope for the Republic in the sense that it would ever recover from this conflict, though her hope still held strong, she didn't know how long it would last.

She walked the halls as she entered her pod as she looked at the chattering rotunda. Aliens of many species chatting away, their features adding a little splashes of color to the largely chrome and gray building.

She had chatted with several other pro-peace senators such as Bail Organa of Alderaan and Onoconda Farr from Rodia before this meeting of the Senate, discussing a wide range of topics, from the war, to the slowly falling economy, and finally the newcomers on the Galactic Stage, the United Systems of the Terran Government.

The Terrans were an interesting group of people to Padme, they promoted peace but yet had a history so violent that the current war paled in comparison, it had intrigued her but she saw they had a sense of democracy and freedom, their culture revolved around the trust of one another and they seemed to be meaning of unity, she even had to admit their government was leagues ahead of what the Republic was currently.

The 'Republic' was currently a squabbling mess of business men fighting over whoever got the larger paycheck whilst everyone else was scratching for scraps, something that was throwing Padme into dismay, they were elected to help their citizens were they not?

She sat as she saw the man she once looked up to, Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Eversicne the outbreak of the clone wars she was always against the violence factors and tried to have everyone focus their efforts on peace, she thought the Chancellor would be on board but no, he had changed into a power hungry man, or at least it seemed.

Now she sat and watched him talk... what would the Terrans call it? 'Bullshit...' she thought as she thought of the classic Terran curse for when someone babbled nonsense. She had learned a lot of things from the Terrans, they were an enthusiastic people, they had rule of law, and a culture so vast it was practically a galaxy in one people.

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