Meat Grinder (Revamp)

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(Next chapter soon)


Location: Koyot Suburban District, Whiskey Outpost (29)

Colonel Joshua Ammar, 48th Marine Battalion


An alarm squawked away as red flood lights began to flash in the outskirts of New Nihon, the wailing of air raid sirens seemed to never cease as the whirring of Republic LAATs began to get closer. It was something that was all too normal for Colonel Joshua Ammar as he rushed out of his M25 Puma LPC and towards a broken building that used to be a bakery and was now serving as the Forward Operating Base for the 48th Marine Battalion.

Being from the Outer System world of Veridian IV, a mountainous desert world, the planet had regularly suffered from Insurrectionist activity, the local group nicknamed, the Terran Hand had taken his parents from him in a bombing at an early age as the young man of Arab descent as a result signed up for the UTSC at the ripe age of 16.

Since then he had gone up the ranks as he was soon a Colonel and now a commander of a Marine Battalion on Strangreal. His job now was to defend the town of Koyot, the city was literally empty, though there were a few civilians that refused to move, most left in a dash for the safety of the New Nihon Spaceport to get away from the Republic advance. A few Planetary Guard Units from the UTPDF had also retreated to the lines of the UTSC forces, bolstering his numbers.

He had seen the readouts of his enemy, there were as far as he was concerned, his area was the only landing so far, all flooding the Koyot District. Each has an estimated 10,000 men or more, spearheaded by elite divisions with heavy armor support and maybe orbital support.

Not to mention the many 200,000 reinforcements that may arrive.

His mission parameters? Defend the rest of Koyot with at least 2,000 men under his command lest he let the Republic in New Nihon with no guarantee of backup or withdrawal.

"Gilgamesh, do we have a visual on enemy forces?" asked Ammar, he was forward leaning on a tactical map readout as the holographic were moving to and fro, each analyzing quadrillions of bits of data every millisecond as it popped on the table.

As this was happening an AI avatar popped on the table, the figure was dressed in ancient garments that resemble ones worn by any that lived in ancient Mesopotamia.

"We have a readout coming from the Wombat Drones in near Koyot, we should be connected to the feed soon," said a gravelly but still somehow smooth voice behind the stone mask of the AI as a readout soon popped on the tactical holo map of the camera feed of the F-99 Wombat that was above the Republic landing zones.

He was amazed that the drone was yet to be shot down but he guessed that was the benefit of active camo. The F-99 was well over retirement age but then again, a good design often refused to die, something that Ammar was a bit grateful for. Though the Wombat would obviously be outmatched by current-generation fighters, it was more than suited to do its original purpose, recon, and if needed a surgical strike.

He looked at the footage, the camera seemed to focus on bunches of white armored men in the streets, all advancing forward toward the metropolitan areas that he was to defend. He had to wonder why the Republic hadn't utilized any standard camo designs, but those reasons would be out of his context.

He had to wonder about the armor used by the Republic, either they were hiding it, or were just plain stupid.

He saw multiple Walkers, all either 2, 6, or 8 legs, like insects slowly making their way towards the city center, clanking their way through the streets as white men seemed to storm and move around them.

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