Coming Storm (Revamp)

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Location: Geneva, Alpine District, Earth

Meeting on confrontation over Strangreal


"How can we be certain we are ready for war?" Asked President Seong Kyung-Sam, president of the USTG, his tone showing his concern for the wellbeing of the USTG.

"Well from our reports the Republic is spread thin across, Planetary Defense Command proves adequate so far against these threats," said Director Jack Harper of OSNI.

"Are you telling me the United Terran Planetary Defense Forces is more than enough to stop half a galaxy?" Asked Song skeptical of the UTPDF it was underfunded like the Army, but at least it wasn't the Air Force Command.

"From our reports, we have an estimated 2,300 ships inbound, the defense fleet in orbit is around 80 strong, with the recent losses that are diminished to 78, so by calculations, the Republic should be able to take Strangreal," said Admiral Rozinith Vassily, overall commander of the UTPDF, thick slavic accent booming authority and the years of battle and experience.

"I thought Enterprise and her fleet were still stationed there, shouldn't that bring our numbers up by 200?" asked Vice President Yulia Samotovich, her voice broadcasting her concern.

"Enterprise and her fleet are currently leaving for refit, they are returning to Cascadia as we speak, however, Admiral Keyes will arrive with a screening detachment of 50 vessels which would bump our numbers up to 128 vessels, there is an ODP in orbit around Strangreal but it is currently offline and undergoing emergency maintenance" said Fleet Admiral Micheal Southers, overall commander of the United Terran Navy Command. President Kyung-Sam just sighed as the room seemed to revolve around the hologram of Strangreal.

Seong stood up as he looked out a window overlooking the city of Geneva as the buildings and nearby Swiss water springs glistened in the golden rays, his hands behind his back, "So, do we have any plans to retake Strangreal if it is, no, when it falls?" he asked as one General Konstina Starsky of the United Terran Marine Corp stood up and inserted a chip into the holo table.

"Yes, we have a backup plan," said General Starsky as a map popped on the hologram.

"We plan to let them have the planet, but we will blockade the system with Nuclear mines and do harassing strikes on any Republic vessel with smaller Frigates and Corvettes," started Fleet Admiral Southers, the diagram showcasing the plan as Corsair Class Frigates and Wildcat Class Corvettes were showcased on the hologram.

"What about evacuations?" asked President Seong, his voice concerned.

"This is one of our major problems, we had a miscalculation on how fast Republic FTL will go, we thought it would be slower due to gravitational pull from other objects but it seems that is not the case, so our evac plans are delayed and rushed, people are resisting to move out however because we essentially gave them no time to prepare, so instead of evacuating an estimated 2.5 million people out of the 3.2 million, we can only evac 1.3 million, meaning there will still be major population clusters when the Republic arrives," said Director Harper as President Seong sighed.

"However we have provided resistance and guerilla training to the civilian populace, as far as i'm concerned, the Republic is keen on absorbing Strangreal into their industrial giant and I am certain they will have the assistance of the Mandalorians in obtaining what they call Beskar or what we call Strangrealium," said Director Jack Harper, his voice low but informative as civilian leaders and cabinet nodded their heads.

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