Cliffhangers in Hell

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Happy Late Independence Day to my fellow Americans out there and Happy Freedom Month! (Yes I completely made that up and am your average "American" in the eyes from European Socialists even though I'm not Caucasian)

Read & Review pls



Location: Orbital Defence Platform Ontario, Hangar Bay 1

Sergeant Andrea Romeno


"Republic landers have been spotted inbound! All security personnel organize into response teams!" said a voice intercom as men and women of the 19th Marine Orbital Defence Battalion worked to set up last-minute barricades on the ODP Ontario.

The 300 strong Marine unit was composed of veterans of Post First Contact War conflicts and was an experienced group when it came to defending tight corridors, open spaces, and finally the massive open spaces that made up the Hangar blocks on an ODP.

Something Sgt. Andrea Romeno knew inside out and backward.

She had joined the Marine Corp 7 years ago and was still going strong, being inspired at a young age after she had saw a massive military parade on her home world of New Italy, the massive tanks, mech suits, the forever lines of marching soldiers as they were cheered on by the enthusiastic populace as space fighters flew overhead as well as lumbering frigates, cruisers, and finally the cherry on top, the UTNS Infinity, a symbol of human strength and regrowth, stationed there made a rumbling flyby, ensuring to the citizens of New Italy they were forever protected. Something that Andrea wanted to do, to protect.

It inspired her to be stronger, better, and superior to her fellow classmates to eventually enroll in the Collegium Militarium Novae Urbis Romae (Military College of New Rome) despite her parents being disproving, wanting their firstborn child to stay behind and live a life of humbleness but eventually, they accepted that they could do nothing about changing her mind.

Now Andrea was assigned to the 19th Marine Orbital, to defend a disabled ODP in a galaxy far far away. She did a quick prayer to god as she loaded in her M-10, inserting the top loading magazine with a satisfying click as she charged the handle.

She then took her necklace and fumbled with it in her palm, the miniature Christian Cross reflecting its silver coating in the dim bays of the Ontario. She prepared herself for the coming engagement as pictures of her husband and their newborn son flooded her mind.

'I'll make it back Michael, I'll be there for Luca, just give me strength' she thought as she put the cross to her head. Not a lot of people believed in god in the 27th century but it was nice to think there was someone watching over you, at least in Andrea's opinion.

"Ready for this Sergeant?" asked a voice as Andrea stood up and turned around to see her friend, Corporal James Dariush, hefting a large M720 Squad Automatic Weapon, or what other people of culture would call, an LMG. His body was virtually covered head to toe in belts of 7.1mm ammo as he loaded a belt in as he cocked the handle back and forward after he slammed the cover down on the weapon.

"Ready as i'll ever be Corporal, just don't go crazy and destroy another SAW, I don't need the armorer's ass on me again," she said part stern, part friendly as they went to the main bays, to see a Lieutenant coordinating the defenses of the ODP as final preparations were being set.

"Haha! You got it sarge!" said James with a goofy grin as Andrea just shook her head, he would make for a good ODST or even Spartan if he could get his deranged mentality past the recruiters.

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