Battle in the Sky

652 19 15

Edit (4/13/2023) Changed plot lines.


Location: GRNS Venator

Admiral Carls Harlikan


A portion of the Open Circle Fleet dropped out of hyperspace as 2 planetary bodies came into view: a moon and a planet.

Admiral Harlikan was not new to space combat, it was practically in his genes to be commanding a vessel, but that didn't hide the fact that he was a bit nervous about these so-called 'Terrans'. From his sources, he had heard they were a very quick society to develop which would most likely stunt their growth, which would normally calm him down until he saw their weapons.

He had been there above Ryloth when they first made contact with them. He had seen an entire Providence Class vaporized and violated by a vessel no longer than 2 Arquitens Class Light Cruisers as he remembered vividly a stream of blue light smashing through the massive CIS Carrier down the throat style. He later learned that the munitions used were solid projectiles, solid projectiles, which meant one thing, they used slugthrowers.

So here he sat looking out the window, his fleet subject to being a distraction. Or just be free kills to these Terrans. Then a bright flash happened outside the transparisteel windows, the glare coating minimizing the effects but it was still noticeable.

When he looked outside he physically felt his jaw drop and his stomach churn. The area in which the Venator Class Impenetrable was located was now filled with a blacked silhouette of what was once a powerful vessel reduced to a smoking blackened hull as an ominous orange bubble began to expand and dissipate over the fleet, its death-giving properties silenced by the vacuum of space, adding to the eerie effect.


"We can't contact the Impenetrable!"

"Sensors are going haywire!"

"We have to warn the others!"

The Bridge was filled with chaos as people and personnel went scurrying about trying to find the source of the problem. Then another glare, and then another, soon 27 glares went off 32 ships went off the scanners as this added to the general chaos of the bridge.

"Radioactivity going off the charts sir!" yelled a pit officer as Harlikan felt numb and jelly like. Radioactivity, it can't be.

"Nukes," he sneered in a hush deaf tone. Nuclear weapons had not been used for millennia and now he was on the receiving end of the Weapon of Mass Destruction. Nukes used to be a common sight but were later phased out for more logistically component and arguably powerful Turbolaser emplacements, but it seemed the Terran's version took the nuke from the grave and made it a monster as what the Terrans did to all seemingly 'outdated' technology.

"Have the fleet bunch up and move forward, keep your scanners on, and be vigilant," he stated as the bridge returned to their normal duties but with a new haze of stress and cloudiness.

Another Venator combusted as another orange flame bubble came crashing down on the fleet.

As the fleet trudges on fewer explosions seemed to happen as the fleet seemed to finally make it out of the minefield.

Then all of a sudden blue streaks of light shot out and rocked the fleet of 737 vessels as numerous vessels fell out of formation as their shields stressed and cracked under the amount of raw kinetic energy being placed on them.

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