The insides- all the way down.

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So where do we even start? If I'm being honest, i would say that we want to start all the way down inside, but of course you have to start at the top to get to the bottom. So as you know, I'm kind of known as that iconic genius detective. But there's a side you don't know. A very, let's just say, deep side. So as all of you probably found out already, I am gay. Well at least partially, i don't know if I'm fully gay or if I can be partially gay or how that works, but anyways, I like men. Not just men. A man. Now I'm going to have you guess who this man is. His initials are J.W. And I've known him for approximately 13 years. Have someone in mind? Yeah you're right. I know it is very weird for me to express love for someone, but he is just the most perfect, amazing, spectacular being in the entire universe. I would die, kill, steal, anything for him. Well of course I've already come back from the dead for him, as well as played dead for 2 years, a lot of things that have to do with death? Anyways, the point is that I love him. And would honestly do anything for him, but I really don't know if he feels the same. I mean, he did get married, to a woman, who shot me, then got shot, but that doesn't really matter now, does it? So now I'm lying on the couch, at my flat, trying to get this dude to fall in love with me. Seems so silly doesn't it? I mean me-William Sherlock Scott Holmes- in love? It's so odd. And the most excruciating part is that I don't even know why. I hate not knowing.

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