This is just pain, my love.

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I left my coat at some stupid party that our friends were going to. God, I just wished I didn't. By the time I got home I realized it was missing, and I decided I would spend about an hour at home and then just go check up on everyone and retrieve my coat, hopefully taking John with me. At least I did get to take John with me somewhere.

The taxi pulled up to this random address, I didn't know whose flat it was. I don't remember much from that point. I walked into the room where they were having this party and... I don't want to say what I saw. I don't even remember what I saw. I think some of the dialogue will give you an idea.
"Sherlock! Oh my god, this is not what it looks like! I promise it's not!" John exclaimed, jumping up and looking into my eyes. My heart shattered into ten million microscopic pieces. Tears swirled in my eyes.
After a long pause john took a deep breath and gave in.
"Sherlock, I'm sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen." He said, disappointed in himself.
"HOW LONG?!" I demanded, reaching my hand into my pocket.
"HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON?!" I screamed again, getting more confused and angry by the second. Tears were streaming down my face and my breaths were rapid and quick.
"Six months." Said the woman. I don't even want to say her name.
"I was in love with you, Sherlock. You knew that. You kissed me. You told me you loved me. Then you go off and marry this man? I wanted you, Sherlock. And honestly, if I can't have you, why should John?" She said, have an idea who this woman is?
"I did this because I love you Sherlock." She repeated, somehow having the audacity to look into my eyes.
"YOU MOTHER FUCKING BITCH!" I said, instinctively pulling out my pistol.
"Woah, Sherlock. Think about what you're doing. Put down the gun." John chimed in in an anxious voice. I couldn't see anymore, I was sweating profusely and sobbing.
"NO!" I screamed.
"YOU CANT GET AWAY WITH THIS!" I said, and messily and shakily fired the trigger.

-AUTHOR: Hello! Thank you for reading this far, I really appreciate you and this means the world to me. I've worked very, VERY hard on this book and I really hope you're enjoying. Getting to my point, I couldn't really chose an ending on this so I have three separate endings, please choose which one you'd like to read (or read them all if you'd like)!

Love You to Death~a Johnlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now