Its time!

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So, Christmas finally rolled around and it's time to make my move. I've bought this beautiful diamond ring which I really think that he'd love, I have everyone scheduled to be there on time at my flat so that I can show off my engagement to the most perfect, wonderful, beautiful person that anyone will ever know. All I need is to ask him. I hid the ring in one of his gifts (obviously I got him a different gift as well) I'm really terrified. What if he thinks it's too soon? What if he just says no? Man I wish this was easy.

The time to open gifts finally came and I was ready and had my whole speech prepared. I even memorized it and everything.
"So, Sherlock can I open my gift now?" John asked eagerly.
"No, you have to open yours last remember?" I answered.
"Oh, yeah! Okay!" He said and looked at Mycroft, currently opening his gift from Greg.
It was finally time for John's gift, and I was ready but nervous. He opened it slowly, and when it was finally unwrapped I heard him mutter,
"What is this?"
"Let me help you with that," I said with my voice clearly shaking.
I grabbed the small box and opened it revealing the ring.
"John Hamish Watson, you are the love of my life," I began. John and Mrs. Hudson were already screaming and Mycroft had an approving look on his face.
"And, I think if you are ready I would be delighted and honored to make you John Hamish Holmes." I continued. John began to cry.
"So, will you marry me?" I finally asked. Wow. The big question.
"Yes!" He said, his eyes all red and puffy. The entire room seemed so lit up and joyful. He said yes!
Now, I started crying and so was everyone except Mycroft and I leaned over and kissed my new fiancé. This was the best moment of my entire life. God, I love him so much. And now we're getting married! This is amazing!

Love You to Death~a Johnlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now