He's mine

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I love being his. It's magical. I mean whenever I'm feeling down or disappointed I just think,
"Wow, he's mine and I'm his." And it just melts every negative feeling away.
And the best part is that I know he's there because he's always there no matter what. Like for example, I was on a rather dangerous case that had large political status. I found that once I had entered the building I was to be at that the force against me was overwhelming. I had to send that man one word.
"Help" I texted him.
He was there in 10 minutes at most. You know why? Because he's always there. And he saved me. So now it's my job to always be there for him and protect him with my life. Sure, I failed the first time I tried to protect someone and she died but it won't be like that this time. I promise it won't. I don't care if I have to take a bullet for him or donate every organ in my body I will protect that man.

So it's been almost a year now and I'm really heavily thinking about marriage, I mean I know that we haven't been dating for very long and it's soon but we've know each other for almost 14 years and I'm not going to propose like right now but I'd thought that maybe I'd wait until Christmas (6 months) and then just shoot my shot. I'm terrified though because what if he says no or he thinks that it's too soon and gets mad? How could I live with myself? I wouldn't be able to! Should I just wait for him? No, I'm way too eager to make him John Holmes to wait until he does something unless he does it before me. So, Christmas it is.

Love You to Death~a Johnlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now