I will do it right this time 🔞

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I was not so sure for how long I slept, but once I woke up I was all alone. Not sure what was going on, but one thing I knew for sure was that something happened to Macau. Last night we spent together was amazing. I never knew that he had this inside him. This wild side was great. I can only hope that I will hear from him soon. We should talk about a lot of things.

Mainly the letter he left for me.


"I need to leave. Something happened. I'll reach you as soon as possible. We will need to talk about the thing that happened last night. I don't know if I will be able to see you anytime soon. Please wait for me. I have your number. Pick it up if a strange number calls you."


Nothing more nothing less. I am truly worried. He even left his underwear here. The only thing that remained flat on the floor. His damn boxers.


"Hey Chay, just behave at your new school okay? Make sure that you will cause no troubles. I cannot pay for a new school.." My brother tried to lecture me. The one that is now fucking with a stupid mafia guy.. I hate it so much. He keeps complaining that he has no money, but it was that damn Theerapanyakul family that killed our prenatal and he is now fucking one of them. How dare he tell me not to cause trouble.

"Yeah.. whatever." I scoffed and entered the university.on the parking lot were a lot of cars .. a lot of fancy cars to be exact.

"Ooooiiii is it you Chay?" I could hear a girl squeak, I turned my head around and saw Milk.

"Fucking hell.." I mumbled to myself, I hated this girl. She has been chasing me since the day we met. I still did not tell her that I do not like girls. I don't think I can admit it. What if one day there will be a girl that will catch my eye and own my heart.. that would be really pathetic.

"Hey Milk, long time no see." I looked at her and smiled at her.

"It is so nice to see you here. First day huh?"

Before I managed to answer she grabbed me. "I'll be your tour guide." She mumbled and pulled me into the building.

"Milk, there is no need. I have been here before.. I need to go to the faculty of Arts." I mumbled and pulled my hand away from her.

"Oooh, I'll go with you. I can say hello to my friends and introduce them to you.."

"There is really no need.."

I did not realize that she pulled me all the way to some kind of a class where a lot of people were in their sportswear. I noticed a hateful gaze at me. I slowly lifted my eyes and saw a guy approaching us and talking to Milk.

They were chatting nonsense, but I could still feel how he was looking at me with hate in his eyes.

"Well, I see that your knight is here, so I should go back and do my work." I apologized and left.

I still was not so sure what my work was supposed to be, but fuck it. That guy was hot.

Talk, dark haired, well built body. Fuck. Could be fun to play with him a little, but from what I have seen he is trying to court Milk. Well whatever.. I can still give it a shot.

My phone started to buzz, I took it out from my pocket, looked at it and just resignedly scoffed.

"What is it Kim?"

"How is it at your new school?"

"It's so great, mainly because someone like you is not around."

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