Reality hitting hard 🔞

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I fucked Kinns most trusted bodyguard. I fucked him so hard that he liked it and begged for more and more. Of course who am I to say no to him.. Right?


I received a message that someone is playing with my laptop. I checked Macau's whereabouts and he was at school.

I did not hesitate and went back home to check it out. Once I entered my office I saw a guy wearing a red delivery suit, black mask on his face and dark blue cap.

"Ooooh.. we'll, hello there.." I chuckled in the middle of a doorframe.

This intruder lifted his head, this strange grin was written on his face.

Where the fuck have I seen this hungry eyes? Who is he and why is he trying to hack into my computer?

Thoughts like this were running through my head, I noticed how he touched his ear.

"All done. Mission completed. Over and out." He mumbled and I guess he did what he needed to do, so I walked towards my desk, closed my laptop and with a swift movement took down his cap.

"Isn't it the head bodyguard of my lovely dingdong cousin?" I had to chuckle, because he did not back out nor tried to escape. He was sitting on my chair with this fuckable expression. Yet I pulled my gun out, pointed it on his forehead and sneakily smiled.

"Shall we have some fun?" I asked, but even with a gun pointed at him he did not change his expression. His eyes were still hungry.

I lowered my gun, placed it on a table, stood up and winked at him.

"Are you sure you want it?" He asked like nothing would matter.

"Should I torture and kill you?" I gave him another option, yet this head bodyguard chuckled and attacked me from behind. I somehow expected it, I knew that I was stronger than him. He does not stand a chance against me.

Even though his fist hit my cheek and I fell on a wooden cabinet full of books, which made noise falling down. I easily stood up.

"My Pa has a stronger punch than you." I chuckled and his expression changed to an indescribable one. He even stopped attacking me. He stood still in some kind of a trance.

Nop opened the office door and saw me standing next to a cabinet and him in the middle of a room.

"Shall I take him down?" Nop asked me.

"There is no need. We are going to have fun in my dungeon." I chuckled, walked towards him and handcuffed his hands behind his back.

He was not trying to resist me. He only stood there and did nothing.

The cold metal around his wrists made him shiver, but the fact I carried him to my dungeon did nothing.. again. It seems that he must be used to this or I don't know.

Once we reached the dungeon I placed his body on bed. It seems that he is no longer in trance.

"What are you going to do to me?" He mumbled and looked at the tip of his toes.

"Well you have two options, I can torture you and kill you or we will have fun together and I kill you a bit later."

He looked like he was thinking about it.

"Why is there not a third option?"

"What should be the third option?"

"You can kill me right here right now."

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