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Just like all of you, I am a girl who loves daydreaming. Which keeps me far away from reality. I see life as an adventure where you have to get clues from the lessons to keep on going. I have a pretty boring life and I love doing things I am not supposed to do and this changed my whole life. Clichè but trust me that's how it works.

My name is Flora Raine. I'm seventeen years old and currently struggling with high school. I can't say much about myself because honestly, I don't even know myself too. After my parent's separation, I have been living with my dad and his lovely wife. I have a stepbrother whose name is Dean. He is smart, handsome, and everything he needs to be known as better than me.


As I closed my locker, I saw two pairs of eyes pleading at me.

"What?" I said, knowing well what they wanted

"This will be the last time, I promise," said Anna

Anna is my best friend. I've known her since the seventh grade. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She's beautiful, intelligent and most of all has a good heart.
Next to her is Jisung became our friend on the very first day of high school. He's quite handsome and the girls fall head over heels in love with him. 

Summer vacation has been over for a week and the usual weekend parties are back. Parties aren't my thing, I know that. They're too crowded, and above all, people expect you to have fun, and that doesn't fit with me.

"That's what you said last weekend," I said, as memories of last weekend played in my head. How I awkwardly stood with people I didn't even know. And how a random person spilled his drink on me and when I accidentally entered the wrong room-

"You're in high school and you're supposed to be having fun, Flora." Jisung tried to convince, but poorly failed.

"My fun consists of sleeping and only sleeping," they both sighed in defeat and I felt a little bad. But in my defense, they know how much I hate parties and how my anxiety gets the best of me.

"We won't force you, but think about it," Anna said to me and started to leave

She knew it would work for me, and it did. I don't like it when someone asks me to do something and I always say no. And maybe for once it won't hurt, because how bad can it get?

"Okay, but this is the last time." Immediately she turned and hugged me, her eyes sparkling with excitement.


It was recess and we were sitting in our usual spot in the cafeteria when suddenly a girl came to our table. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were red and puffy. We looked at her with questionable eyes as she muttered

"I'm a stupid fatty." and walked to the next table. I looked around and noticed that she was walking to each table saying the same thing. 

At that moment, my eyes fell on the typical school crush standing on the corner smiling broadly and looking pleased with what she was doing. Her blonde hair was tied in a high ponytail, accentuating her slender jawline. Her elbow rested on the boy next to him. I should have known, this was her, Melissa Ruth. This one girl that everyone hated, but deep down they all loved her because she was so beautiful. She was in her senior year of high school.

 I looked at the other students, some were looking at the girl with pity, others were shooting videos, and some didn't even bother to look at her. My eyes wandered back to Anna and Jisung who were worried about the girl.

"I hate her." Anna blurted out, looking at Mellisa who had sat down on the table right in front of us. No matter how much we wanted to help the girl, we knew it wasn't going to get better. She wasn't going to stop. We had tried to stop her once but that only made things worse.

I looked at her as she put her phone away after texting someone, but instead, it fell without her noticing. That's when the perfect idea came to me, and I looked at Jisung and Anna with the usual grin I always put on when something evil crossed my mind.

"Please don't say we're going to kill her, she is Renjun's ex," Jisung interrupted

"I wish, but no. Something more than that." I smiled sarcastically


As we entered the hallway, everyone was looking at Mellisa and whispering to each other. Anna stopped when she spotted some of our classmates, and I followed.

"What's going on here?" she asked them 

They showed us their cell phones and it was some random pictures of Mellisa that had just been posted from her account. There were pictures of her having a pimple and other pictures that she'd rather die than post. We giggled as we looked at each other. I love myself for being so smart. It was the perfect way to give her a taste of her own medicine.           

I was standing at my locker putting my books away when I felt everyone around me looking in the same direction. I followed their gazes and rolled my eyes when I saw the four boys that everyone had a crush on coming my way. I saw the girls around me smiling in their direction trying to get their attention.

The one on the left had black hair and was making eye contact with all sorts of girls, giving them his flirtatious smile and making everyone fall in love with him. His name was Na Jaemin.
I looked in the other direction, and there was Lee Jeno, staring at his cell phone with his gaze.
He was always the one who had a bored expression on his face and looked unimpressed.
Besides him, it was Lee Haechan who was just as flirtatious as Jaemin. He had his arms around Renjun's neck. They were all walking in the same direction.
Everyone wanted to come into their circle, make friends with them, and every girl wanted to go out with them. They were pretty boys, bad boys. They were the typical boys of the school.

Besides all that, the one who was always the hot topic was,
Huang Renjun. Everyone was head over heels in love with him. He was the prince charming of them all.
His brown hair was tossed back. His bag dangled on his left shoulder and he looked very interested in whatever Haechan said to him.
At that moment, he looked in my direction and our eyes met. To my surprise, he didn't avert his eyes but came towards me. I blinked and turned around. There was no way he was going to come to me. I shrugged my shoulders and turned around. It was just another day at school. Everyone was falling head over heels in love with them.

"Hey, Flora."


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