"Be My Date."

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 "Hey, Flora." I heard a familiar voice behind my back

I turned around to find Renjun smiling sheepishly at me. I knew this conversation wasn't going to go the way it was supposed to.

"Hey," I replied, it was all I managed to say because his brown fox eyes wouldn't stop looking at me.
We may have talked a few times, but we were never close enough to have a conversation just between the two of us. It was always something to do with Jisung as they are friends, or we have sitten on the same table in recess or once or twice.  I was surprised that he still knew my name.

"How was your summer?" he asked

Since when did we actually get to the point of asking about each other's vacations? I knew I was caught in a ride that wasn't going to cost free.

"It was nice." I didn't know how to continue, so I asked, "Yours?"
"The usual." He shrugged

Of course I knew what the usual is.
I nodded as his eyes watched me.
Slowly, I was dying to know what was going on in his head. I knew he had started this conversation for a reason.

"Do you know about the thing that happened with Melissa?" my throat went dry as his words left his mouth. My jaw was practically on the floor and I felt numb.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I know." It was all I could fake, and yes, I had messed up.

"Why do you sound like you did it, I was just asking," he chortled, a smirk on his lips. I knew he knew something. He's not that stupid.

"Why would I do that?" I half-laughed, questioning my own statement

His hands reached into his pants pocket and he pulled out his cell phone. I looked at him with questioning eyes.
"This says otherwise," he said as he showed me his phone screen and I felt embarrassed as my gaze landed on a video of me and Anna stealing Melissa's phone. I just realized that this wasn't a good idea- Actually a very dumb idea.
My first reflex was to snatch it out of his hand, but he put the phone back in his pocket.
"What do you want?" I asked in anger
"Be my date."


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