🐢 I'm Gonna be Just Like You 🐢

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ask: Siniora-Chan

btw this is platonic if you couldn't already tell lmao also ur colour is pink because I can't think of any other colours.

youre also a Bog Turtle

also also also, Splitz and Draxy Drax are co parents becuz I'm obsessed with the idea of them all being one big Found Family. HAHAHDIVORCEHAHAHA

I'm rlly tired and rlly sorry to whoever read this


"...And then Mikey threw a building at the Krang! A building!" Leo shouted, picking you up and twirling you around. You giggled. "Raph, Mikey, April, Dad, and Casey all held the Krang off for a while. I guess Donnie sorta helped-" Donnie took you and held you at his hip. 

"Scoff! I did so much more," He sat you down. "When Michael opened the portal to save Leo, I took he last hit at the Krang, so I am basically the one who saved Leo which goes to show how great of a big brother I am and- segway-" He tapped a button on his wrist thing and a small pink backpack flew out. "I designed a little backpack for you to keep things in and whatnot," You took the gift. 

"Cool! I can use this when I go out on adventures and become a hero like you guys!" You beamed. Raph entered the room.

"Well, Y/N, being a hero isn't all that easy. It can be challenging and scary at times when you don't know what to do." He sat down on the floor next to you. 

"But Leo says-"  You were cut off.

"Leo will say anything if it makes him seem cool. We can't risk you getting hurt while out on a mission of some kind." He spoke, apologetically. You nodded, angry with the response you received.

Mikey, Splinter, and Draxum all bursted into the lair, causing you to run up to Splinter and complain. 

"Dad! Raph says I'm not allowed to go out on missions and be a hero! Tell him he's wrong and I'm old enough to go with them!" You yelled. 

"Geez I was on vacation for a week and the Krang returns, the slider almost dies, and the bog turtle wants to fight crime." Draxum rolled his eyes. 

You pulled on Draxum's sleeve. "You think I'm old enough to go with them, right Father 2.0?" You gave him puppy eyes. He doubled over in what looked like pain, tears forming in his eyes. 

"She called me Father..." He looked like he was crying. "As the more responsible co-parent in this odd family, I'd say, yes, I think she is old enough to help out the boys." 

"Really? I would have assumed you to be one of the last people to allow Y/N to go out." Donnie spoke, scrolling on his phone. 

"What?! How is that fair? Raph didn't let me go out even when I was thirteen, and you'll let her go out when she's eight?! Dr. Delicate Touch wouldn't like that." Mikey said. 

"If April gets to go out even though she's a human, I should be old enough to go out! I know my times tables and everything," You gloated. Splinter sighed. 

"Knowing times tables and how to tie your non existent shoes are one thing but, fighting villains is another. I'm sorry Pink but, I don't think it's all that safe for you right now. Especially after the Krang..."

"I've never even been out of the lair!" You shouted before stomping off to your room. Jumping down on your bed, you screamed into an off-brand Squish-mellow the brothers had bought for you a while back. "Why can't they see that I can help out just as much as they do?" You're not sure how long you were in your room but you must have fallen asleep because when you exited your room, everyone else was in some other part of the lair asleep. Before calling for your brothers, you came up with a wonderful idea.

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