lou park resident evil

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❝︎ lucas, stop. you're acting crazy. ❞︎


NAME: lou anne park
NICKNAME(S): lou ( everyone ; everyone just calls them by their first name. or, of they're in trouble with marguerite or jack, its first and middle name. )
the freak ( ethan winters and chris redfield ; lou is called this by the protagonist of biohazard and the protagonist of the not a hero dlc because of their ability the mold gave them. )
weirdo ( lucas baker ; lucas calls lou this nickname as his pet name for them. )
victim 7 ( chris redfield ; chris redfield referred to them as 'victim 7' because of being the seventh person affected by evelyn's mold. )
sister ( evelyn ; evelyn molded them to be a sister after zoe rejected her. )
GENDER: feminine presenting non binary ( they/them pronouns )
AGE: they seem to be around twenty-two years old
SEXUALITY: bisexual ( male lean )
SPECIES: molded



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❝︎ NO! leave him... ALONE! ❞︎


PERSONALITY: lou is as loyal as you can imagine. especially to the baker family. even before the mold, they were close. marguerite and jack took them in when they were sixteen after their mother died, their only parent. they grew to be severely protective and loyal to the family. they're explosive with their emotions, and tend to scare people with that. except for lucas. he's the only one who understands.
LOVE INTEREST: lucas baker
FAMILY: lisa park ( mother ; deceased )
FRIENDS: lucas baker ( best friend ; mutal romantic/sexual attraction ) zoe baker ( best friend )
RELATIONSHIP STATUS BETWEEN CRUSH: lucas baker ( lucas and lou have been inseparable since lou moved in when they were both sixteen. lucas had quite the crush on them as well, and had one since they were twelve and lou was the new person who sat in the back of their third period history class in middle school. when they grew up, lucas had gained enough courage to confess his feelings. and he sure did. bow chicka wow wow. )
FIRST APPEARANCE: they're first seen during the dinner scene at the beginning of resident evil: biohazard. they're sitting quietly at the dinner table, fumbling with their fingers. ( lucas: c'mon baby! don't be shy! say hi to him! | lou: .... hi mia's husband. )
POWERS: the mold gave them the power of amplified emotions. their amplified emotions effect the mold in different ways. like fear and anger cause them to grow into a giant mass of mold, and they will attack anything in sight.



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❝︎ don't.. don't touch me. don't touch lucas. ❞︎


TURN ONS: hair pulling / slapping / thigh grabbing / ass grabbing / being degraded / being praised / being tied up
TURN OFFS: being yelled at / being blind folded / daddy or mommy kink / ageplay / purposeful misgendering
KINKS: somnophilia ( the desire to have sex with an unconscious person or be the one unconscious. consensual. ) / impact play ( slapping, spanking, etc ) / bondage ( sexual practice that involved tying up a partner or being tied up ) / odaxelagina ( sexual arousal from being bitten )

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