Chapter 1: Ashley

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Colton and I had been dating for about two years and I had been in love with him ever since I saw him for the first time that night at the high school party.  He had his bright blue eyes staring at me and a slight smile on his face.  I didn't know what it was, but I was in love with him.
We'd spend endless nights under the stars with our bodies pulled in tight and take car rides around the city at night in his truck, then eventually doze off in the backseat.  These past two years have been ones I will never forget.
I was asleep in my room when I heard my window slide open. It was Colton.
He climbed inside trying not to wake me.  He walked over towards my bed and sat down on the edge.  I opened my eyes and smiled at him. 
He said, "Good morning beautiful." He brushed his hand through my hair then leaned in to kiss me.  Our lips pressed against each other, I placed my hand on his face and rolled over on top of him.
He pulled my t-shirt off and brushed his hands up and down my body.  He flipped me over on my back then started to pull off my pants.  He placed his lips on my neck and started kissing it.  I pulled his shirt off   and rubbed my hands across his chest down to his pants.  I unbuckled his belt and took his pants off.  He went in and we both started kissing each other.  He then kissed me all the way down to my legs.  I let him do what he wanted with me and laid back and closed my eyes.  He look up and came over to kiss me then wrapped his arms around me and we laid there until we were ready to leave. 
He left the room a little while later and I got out of my bed butt naked and walked into my bathroom.  I placed my hands on the counter, glanced in the mirror then sighed.  I took my brush and combed out any tangles in my hair from sleeping then back into my room to open the closet.  I reached in and grabbed a blue tank top and some jean shorts.  I put on a little lip gloss and mascara and was ready to head downstairs. 
I reached the bottom of the stairs, grabbed my purse then headed for the door.
"Babe, wait." I turned around to look at Colton.  "So I talked to Vince and Hannah and they offered for us to come and visit in their new house in Malibu, they said they wanted to have friends who could stay with them and party with."
Hannah was my best friend since freshman year of high school and her fiance Vince had always been a friend of mine.  So I obviously didn't want to turn down the opportunity because I hadn't seen her in about two years.  "Oh my god, that sounds so fun, of course."
"Ok I'll tell him as soon as I can."
Vince and Hannah's house was like the party central, they always had people coming and going and had friends there all the time.
"So wanna get coffee.". Colton said after putting his phone away.  "Yeah let's go." "Race ya!"
We both sprang out the door and rushed to the car hoping to get in first but of course Colton had to win.
"Ugh every time." "Sorry babe, but I'm faster than you."
He started the car and we were off.  Driving through Palm Springs during the summer was so beautiful.  My favorite part was the palm trees and all the sunlight.  That was part of the reason we lived in Palm Springs but also for my job.  I was a private agent for celebrities living in California so I worked with a lot of celebrities in the past. 
We pulled in the drive thru and like always Colton knew what to get me.
"Iced caramel macchiato." He guessed.  "You got it " We were waiting in the drive thru as he looked over at me and rubbed his hands up my thigh.  We pulled up to the window and pushed it away and he gave the worker his card. 
We got our drinks and left to go to work for the day.  As a private agent I had meetings with a few celebrities today so I was pretty busy.
"You know why do you always do that." "Colton I don't want to talk about this right now." "No tell me why." I sighed. "Because being in public doing that stuff doesn't have a good effect on me.  People know me." "But that doesn't mean you have to hide that side of you when your with me." I turned my head to look out the window as we passed all the million dollar homes and luxury cars.  I pulled out my phone and opened Instagram checking any new posts then checked the time, 8:23.  I was always a person to leave the house early and get to work early then come home around 5:00 to have the evening to myself.
Colton pulled into the parking lot of my workplace to drop me off.
"Ok bye babe, see you at home." "Bye, love you." I got out and shut the door running around the car and up the stairs when coming inside my assistant Adam hands me my plans for the day and walks me to my office.
"So Adam, what's on the agenda for today " "Your meeting with Chris Pratt at 9:00 then we have Miley Cyrus at 2:00 so you have time in between to write that report for me."  "Adam I said that I would get to it.  I just need time." He sighed then left my office.  I sat down and looked over my paperwork then got up and head to the conference room.

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