Chapter 10: Colton

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I was more shocked than anything that she had already gotten over me so quickly.  I knew she was going home with Jacob and it hurt me that the girl I loved most, didn't love me back.  I decided to just head back home to see if Vince and Hannah made up yet and if there was any more drama I needed to know about.  I pulled into the driveway and it looked like everyone was home.  I opened the door to see Hannah and Vince making out on the couch.  Yup, they made up for sure.  I walked to our bedroom because I didn't want to stick around for any of it.  I laid down on the bed and rubbed my hands across Ashley's side of the bed.  I missed her so much.  I wanted her back and to know that it was a just a big misunderstanding.  I never intended to hurt her.  I sighed, not knowing what to do.  I waited until something came to the top of my head.  I decided it would be best to go to her house and talk with her because I missed her more than anything and really needed to see her.  I hopped in my truck and head on over to her house, I tried to pull into the driveway quietly but I doubt it worked.  I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.  At first she didn't answer and so I rang again, this time she answered.  "Colton, what do you want?" "Look Ashley, hear me out on this, it was never my idea to cheat on you, it was just a burden I needed to get rid of and I know I shouldn't have done that and I'm so sorry." She rolled her eyes.  "Colton you don't get it, you don't cheat on someone and expect that nothing ever happended, that's not how it works, you really hurt me." "I know I did but just please give me a second chance, I need you Ashley, I really do, I can't live without you." She sighed thinking for a moment.  "Look, Colton, I need time to think about it, I can't fully trust you, you broke my heart.  I just need time." I replied, "ok, I'll give you all the time that you need." I walked out the door without Ashley which was unexpected.  I got and my car and drove away.  I rubbed my eyes trying to hold back the tears from coming, I wanted her back and totally regret my decision, I really fucked up this time. 
I pulled in to the beach house and walked in the door with everyone hoping to see Ashley walk inside the door.  I went and sat on the couch and finally let the tears out with my friends all gathering around me.  "I'm sure she'll have a change of heart bro." "I mean you can't do Colton without Ashley, you guys were made for each other." Vince patted me on the back.  "So what did she say?" I loosened up and put myself together.  "She said that she no longer trusts me and that she needs for time." Hannah gasps and starts crying.  "This is all my fault, I'm so sorry Colton." I look at her.  "Look don't blame yourself for my actions."  Hannah stood up.  "Colton we can't stand to see you like this, us girls are gonna go give Ashley a change of heart, let's go girls." "Boys go get him a drink," said Vince.  The girls left and headed for the car.

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