Chapter 15: Ashley

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I walked into our bedroom and laid down on the bed and grabbed a pillow to hug while the tears fell out of my eyes.  After calling Colton many times, he wouldn't pick up.
The next day was the day I had my appointment with my doctor.  I was hoping that I hadn't lost the baby.  I walked in nervous to see what would happen.  I checked in and waited in the waiting room.  I twirled my hair when they came out and called me into the room.  They took some tests and gave me an ultrasound.  "Ashley, I see the baby but just don't hear a heartbeat." I looked confused and saw that the baby wasn't breathing.  They ran some more tests when they came to find that the baby had been attacked by some of my internal organs due to too much alcohol.  Shit, what had I done, I'm such a disaster.  They had to perform a procedure to remove the baby from my body.  The procedure was very short and lasted only about fifteen minutes.  "Do you have anyone who can give you a ride home." I looked confused.  "What." The doctor grinned.  "You won't feel 100% and it is not recommended to drive due to dizziness or nausea, you have a boyfriend or husband since you were pregnant in the first place." I looked at her.  "He didn't know I was pregnant let alone followed along with this procedure." "Ok I'll find a ride for you." The doctor left the room and I sighed.  I did all of this, I was the reason that baby didn't make it, I felt so guilty about it and didn't know what to think after hearing about this.  The doctor walked back inside with her clipboard.  "Ashley, your rides here." I grabbed my purse and head out the doors to the hospital to find a gray Volvo SUV waiting out front.  I opened the door and hopped inside only to notice that Jacob was the driver.  "Jacob, what are you doing here?" "I thought I'd give you a ride home." I crossed my arms and looked out the window.  "You know, you've got a lot of nerve coming here and finding me like this, I found to come that I didn't need you in my life and nothing what you say is gonna make me think otherwise." He looked through the mirror and into the backseat at me.  "I came here to help you, you know how pissed Colton will be when you haven't told him about your pregnancy let alone your forced abortion." "How do you know about that?" "I have my ways." He looked back towards the road and drove all the way through town and back into my little neighborhood to drop me off.  I walked out of the car and inside my house.  I walked to my bathroom and took my hair down and got in the shower.  I rinsed my hair until it all got wet.  I couldn't stand to be in this house any longer, all the memories of me and Colton started here and it was too much to handle for now.  We just had too many problems at the moment and didn't feel like they could be resolved here.  I got out of the shower and went to my closet.  I pulled out a sweater and black jean shorts then threw on some sandals.  I opened the door and grabbed my sunglasses sitting on the table then got in my car and drove away.  I drove all the way to the beach and walked to the edge of the water to hear the waves crash and the water run past my feet. 

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