The Case of the missing lifeguard

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*alarm goes off* "UGHH!" I smack my alarm clock to shut up. I groan. My eyes hurt, my head hurts, everything hurt! I'm so mad at mike, he promised me that he would come and he didn't.


I get ready for work and I ask my mom to give me a ride. I think will was at mikes. Ugh! I'm not going to even think about mike today. New day New attitude.....yeah that's not gonna work.


I get to work and see Erica. Lucas younger sister ringing the bell trying to get Robin's attention, but she doesn't hear her because probably listening to music or something. I suck it up because I really don't feel like dealing with her.

"Yes Erica... how can I help you?" I say sluggish " I'd like to try the peanut butter chocolate swirl please." She says in this bitchy tone "No, no more samples today." Giving it back to her. He smug smile drops "Why not?" She asks "Because you're abusing our company policy." Robin finally chips in "Where's the salor man?" Erica asks 'Yeah. Where is Steve?'
I also question "Sorry, he can't help you. He's busy" Robin says "Busy with what?" She asks. Robin looks at her "...Spycraft" "Oh jeez!" I say

I leave the stand and go in back

Why do people have to be wired...then suddenly I feel this pain

This feeling

I feel sick

And then.....

I black out on the floor

But....what I see scares me

I see el

What is she doing here

She sees me looking at her and says hi

I said hi back but it seems like she's also talking to someone else. It probably max.

We see this red door

El opens it

And behind that door is a bathtub filled with ice

We walk up to the bathtub and this girl jumps up out of it and says "help me" and when she falls back in....

I wake up and Robin is shaking me and she says "y/n! Oh my god!  You almost gave me a heart attack. I need to take you home. I'm going to call Steve real quick."

Steve and Dustin come in and they ask me what happened but before I can even open my mouth Robin told them that I fainted and that she's taking me home.

*time skip*

I've been home for awhile and then I hear someone banging on the door screaming will...I recognize that voice...

It's mike. I open the door "Look who finally showed up." I say sarcastically "Y/n this is not the time right now-" I interrupt him "No mike! This is the perfect time actually." "No y/n I'm serious. Where is will?" "I don't know he wasn't here when I got home. Why what happened?" "I might've said something to him." I look at him with anger in my eyes, because I knew deep down he said something that hurt him "You have a death wish wheeler."

We try to find my brother "WILL!?" We keep calling. We see castle byers. Destroyed!  "Will! What happened?!" I ask. He looks at me with fear in his eyes

"He's back"

♡Always on my mind♡  Mike Wheeler X Reader Where stories live. Discover now