The monster

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I wake up in my room as I wake up my head hurts so bad then I reamber that bitch through me in the air ugh why Mike do you love her wait what time is it oh ok it's 8:45 I walk out to see lonie not here YES but then I see hopper and my mom (making out srry I just love jopper I ship it allll the way but we all love Bob to) taking and I know it about will and I listen until I heard enough so I go back into my room to pack will stuff because I know we are going to bring him back and by we I mean me,mom,hop,jj(Jonathan),mike,Lucas,,Dustin,and others of they help I'm just happy he's home soon then I remembered that I can vist him so i put down my stuff grab my bandana that Lucas gave me for my birthday it was my favourite color f/c/n I but it on then I'm in the void I see 'castle Byers' me and my brothers fort that we made with jj

I open it and I see will laying there in the same outfit he was in when he left to go home "Will" "Y/n!" He said looking up I ran to him to give him a hug "Its ok its almost over I promise I'm going to bring you back now I don't have much time but I need you to run and hide your always good at hidding I love you willy" "I love you too n/n please hurry it's dark and cold" "I will just run and hide" I get out of the void and start to cry I see my mom and hop checking on me to see if I was ok"Hunny what's the matter" "I-i-i...*gulp*mommy I saw will" "Wait kid how did you see will" "Um hop I need to talk to you" I knew she was going to explain to him that I have powers then they came back"Hey kid" "Yes hop" "We will bring back will I promise you that but I need you to be safe I know about your powers but you are aloud to hangout after will is here but make sure he's with you...*points to chest*you can keep people safe but may I see your power" "uh sure" I put my hand on the ground and vines and flowers were growing everywhere it looked buetyful "WOAH!kid that's amazing" "Thank you" "ok me and your mom are going to find will again so stay here"

When they left I was home I saw the lights flickering then I remembered will he's running then u hear something in my room "Y/n this Lucas do you copy over" "I copy over" "I need you to come to my house over" the sound of hos voice is annoyed "Is he there over" "Yes over" "Then no I'm not seeing his face after what he did to me over" "Look y/n it me Mike I'm sorry for I did I didn't mean to hurt you I'm sorry please forgive me over" "I'll think about it but I'm not going over and out" I say closing my super com

I disiced to bike around town and yes I still have the same outfit on I go into a minimarket because it almost that time of the month again so I'm in the minimarket and I see eleven ugh one day I tell you on day can I not have her in my life I just grab my tampons and eggos and go to pay for them until I hear "Theaf! Theaf! Theaf!" Then crash of class then I see eleven walk out but right now I need to pee

After my business I walk out of the store to get my bike I hid it in a bush I was getting on my bike I hear a fimalliar voice "This is wired without Lucas"wait dustin then that means...oh no"he should've shaken my hand" then I wanted to surprise them "Hey there ladys" "Omg y/n your ok"dustin says while giving me a hug I hug back "Hey y/n" "Hi mike" "I'm so so soooooo sorry I really am I didn't know she would do that" "I knew she would" "And I know I was being a jerk but I was just upset I know your dealing with it worse and never even got to support my best friend im so sorry" "Hey it's ok well I'm going to go pack" "Wait! Why are you packing" "Not for me for will well got a go bye guys"

I rode bike around town again and l see jjs car so I wait for him to come out

As he walks out I see him and Nancy she was always nice to me she taught me a lot of stuff "Hey guys" "Oh hey y/n what are you doing here" "Oh nothing just taking a ride" "So do you need a ride home" "Yes please my feet are killing me" "ok" then I hear another voice "Hey nance! Can't wait to see your movie" WTH w as all that about I ran to see what was napping then I see all spray painted on red 'Staring Nancy Wheeler The Slut' I hear nance whimpering in the back round I know who it was Steve the hair Harrington then I see everyone in town making fun of her now I'm really getting mad until she laughing then she sped walk away wanted to catch up with her then as I got there she slapped STEVE OMG WOW then now he's talking shit about my family until I hear "Hey princess did your brother kill your twin or did you"Tommy said I chuckled with anger,sad,frustration then I said "No I didn't but I will kill you where you stand like right" " 'Kill us' I'm sorry to Breck it to you kid but we are older and stronger than you so we can easily beat you" "Oh really" "Yeah really" "*sighs*ok I guess you leave me with no choice" I say while thorns and branches coming out of me then I stuckmy hand and blew them away with my air powers then I see the cops came "Shit"I whisper to myself I turn around to see Nancy sckocked

At the police station i waited till Nancy got out with the ice pack I see a tear in jjs eyes so I whipe it away then she comes back "I'll come back in a view seconds" I say walking away to sit down in the waiting room

♡Always on my mind♡  Mike Wheeler X Reader Where stories live. Discover now